
Newest Treatment For Chronic Kidney Failure

What is the newest treatment for chronic kidney failure? Conventional treatment methods for kidney problem is control all the symptoms with oral medicines, which can help to slow down illness condition to some extent. However, over time, chronic kidney failure progresses to end stage and put patients on dialysis or kidney transplant. Well, is there any new treatment that can help chronic kidney failure patients to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant?
In past, there is no such a treatment, but in recent several years, owing to the quick development of medical technology, various methods have been used to treat chronic kidney failure and some of them indeed show obvious treatment effects. Here, we will introduce the newest treatment-immunotherapy for chronic kidney failure.
Immunotherapy is not an independent treatment, but a combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine. Western medicines are famous for its quick and obvious treatment effects in remitting symptoms, but disappointedly, it can not repair kidney damages to improve kidney function. However, for Chinese medicine which is based on herbs, it works relatively slowly, but fortunately, some Chinese herbs can strengthen body cells' self-repairing ability and help them recover. Chinese medicine and western medicine have different advantageous in treating chronic kidney failure and by combining them, treatment effects can be increased greatly.
Chronic kidney failure is a life-threatening illness and if left uncontrolled, it will cause various complications like cardiovascular disease. Therefore, a timely and effective treatment is of great importance for chronic kidney failure patients to increase their life-span and improve their life-quality.


How To Protect Kidney With Diabetes

If you are a patient of Diabetes, you are running high risk for kidney problem. Kidney is an important organ which can help us adjust blood pressure, secrete necessary hormone, remove wastes out of the body, keep balance of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base. Diabetes is marked by long-term high blood sugar which can damage kidney tissues to impair kidney function. Microalbumine in urine is the typical clinical of kidney problem caused by kidney disease. And once being diagnosed with kidney problem, diabetes patients will be on dialysis in near future. Well, how to protect kidney for people with diabetes?
The followings are the several tips for diabetics to protect their kidney:
1. Tightly control your blood sugar with medications and dietary changes.
2. If you have blood pressure, please remember to bring it into normal range.
3. Try to eat less salt as high salt intake
4. Eat some high quality every day like fish, egg white, lean meat and milk.
kidney problem caused by diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy which is one of the leading causes for kidney failure. For diabetics who have been told to have kidney problem, aside from controlling diabetes tightly, they also need to repair their kidney damages. As for the treatment, Immunotherapy is recommended. Immunotherapy is a combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine. Different from many other treatments, Immunotherapy causes no side effects and what is more, it can help to improve kidney function.
Decreased kidney function is the major cause for diabetic nephropathy patients to do dialysis, so when kidney function is improved, they can live without dialysis and kidney transplant.
Immunotherapy is a new but effective treatment. It is only suitable for kidney failure patients who still have urine output. Therefore, if you are a kidney disease patient and still have not find an effective treatment, you can try Immunotherapy. (Get more information about Immunotherapy, please email to phoebe871124@gmail.com or consult our consultant online directly)


Improving End Stage Renal Disease Life Expectancy

How to improve end stage renal disease life expectancy? Kidney disease is a bothersome health problem, as it is incurable and what is worse, it can involve all the systems of our body when develops to end stage. With end stage renal disease, patients may experience various discomforts like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin and insomnia and so on. All these discomforts affect their life seriously, so improving end stage renal disease life expectancy becomes more meaningful.
To get life expectancy of end stage renal disease improved, the following several tips are helpful:
1. Tightly control all the symptoms like high blood pressure, proteinuria, hematuria and anemia and so on.
2. If your creatinine is extremely high and you are suffering serious complications like vomiting and itching skin, blood purification will be needed. Blood purification can clear up all metabolic products accumulated in blood. In this way, it can decrease the damage to kidney effectively. Also it can create a favorable environment for restoring the impaired renal cells and tissues. As for the restoring of kidney damages, Immunotherapy is recommended. Immunotherapy combines the advantageous of Chinese medicines and western medicines and show great treatment effects.
3. Arrange your diet to reduce kidney burden
When some kidney tissues are damaged, the residual kidney tissues will work more hardly. Heavy burden may cause damages on these tissues and cause worsening of illness condition. From this point of view, reducing kidney burdens by adjusting diet is necessary. I n general, low-salt diet, low-protein diet and low-phosphorus diet is necessary. (For detailed information about food lists, please leave message to me directly and I will offer you the related information as soon as possible)
4. Having a good mood and this will help to increase immunity indirectly, which is also helpful for improving end stage renal disease life expectancy.

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