
How to Increase Kidney Function Naturally

How to increase kidney function naturally? Kidneys are bean-shaped organ which is located in our lower back. Kidneys are in charge of filtering blood, producing urine, reguating blood pressure, keeping electrolyte balance and secreting necessary hormone, so when kidneys shut down, a series of discomforts will appear. Well, for people who have been told to have kidney damage, how to increase kidney function naturally?
Natural treatment to increase kidney function
Oral medicines like prednisone, ACEI, ARBs and Diuretics are the most commonly used drugs for kidney disease. These medicines focus on different symptoms and they show quick and obvious treatment effects. Therefore, kidney condition can be brought control quickly with them. However, all these medicines only work on symptoms, and they can not treat kidney disease fundamentally.
So far, there is no such a treatment that can cure kidney problem, but clinical studies report some of Chinese medicine are effective in improving kidney function. Kidney works through a group of kidney intrinsic cells which are like our cells in our hand. When kidney cells are damaged midly, they can recover by themselves, but if they are injured severely, a certain medicines are needed to help them recover. Some Chinese medicines are proven to be able to increase the self-curative ability of kidney cells and with the help of these medicines, some damaged kidney tissues can be repaired and also kidney function can be improved a lot.
Chronic Kidney Disease is a simple kidney problem, but if left alone, it will affect the other systems or parts of our body. Therefore, stopping kidney disease from progressing is very important. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is a specilized hospital for kidney disease in China and so far has treated kidney disease patients from 64 countries. It is rich in experience, so if you still have not find an effective treatment or a good hospitalto increase kidney function naturally, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will be your first choice.

Ways to Strengthen Kidney Function

A healthy kidney plays a very important role for a better life and a longer life span, especially for people who are told to have kidney problem. Well, how to strengthen our kidney? The followings are the several ways.
1. A kidney-friendly diet
If you are a kidney disease patient, then you need to make diet changes to protect your kidney. The kidney-friendly diet needs to take into account some of the same things like calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, nutrition facts, portion and so on. With different kinds of kidney disease or kidney damages, diet plan is different. Therefore, please eat according to your kidney condition. Additional, you can describe your illness condition to me: phoebe871124@gmail.com. I will help you analysize your illness condition and then give you some diet suggestions.
2. Tight control of high blood pressure and high blood sugar
High blood sugar and high blood pressure are the major two causes for kidney damages around the world. Therefore, if your blood pressure and blood sugar are higher than the reference value, some medicines are needed to control your blood pressure and blood sugar. Commonly used oral drugs for hypertension include:
ACE inhibitors.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
Calcium channel blockers.
Direct renin inhibitors.
3.Protection for residual kidney function
Healthy kidney function is the basic for kidney disease patients to live a healthy life. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a treatment that can dilate blood vessels, inhabite inflammation, fight against coagulation and degrade extracellular matrixes. With these effects, residual kidney tissues can be protected well.

Alternative Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

For polycystic kidney patient, the vast majority of people were told they have to do surgery. But, polycystic kidney can be cured without doing surgery? Polycystic Kidney Disease which is always shorted as PKD is a life-threatening kidney problem. It is genetic, so people with parents or relatives suffering from this problem should do medical test regularly, so as to know if they are living with PKD gene. Sugery is a direct way to remove big cyst in kidney, but unfortunately, surgery can not solve problem fundamentally.
Doing surgery can relieve large cysts oppression on the renal parenchyma in a short time, improve the condition of renal ischemia and hypoxia, and reduce the nephron function damage. But there are also some disadvantages. For example, polycystic kidney surgery has not fundamentally solved the problem of fluid secretion, and surgery would cause certain damage to the kidneys. In addition, polycystic kidney is innumerable cysts, and surgery can only cure relatively large cysts, but small cyst would grow quickly when big cysts disappear, and these small cysts would oppress renal parenchyma again, cause substantial damage, and the condition would aggravate too, eventually polycystic kidney may develop into renal insufficiency or even uremia.
Polycystic Kidney Disease affects kidney through increasing and enlarged kidney cyst. Therefore, for the treatment of polycystic kidney, the key is to inhibit the increase of cyst in the body, reduce the kidney’s oppression. Inhibit the production of cyst fluid is the fundamental way to shrink cysts, so the treatment of polycystic can not merely to handle the big cysts.
Currently, there is no cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease, but kidney conditon indeed can be improved through shrinking kidney cysts and repairing a certain damaged kidney intrinsic cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine is an alternative treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease as it is proven to be able to reduce cystic fluid and restore kidney function. It is a treatment based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), but different from it, medicines in this treatment are used externally, so no side effects are caused during the whole treatment process. (Leave message to me to get more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy if you are intersted in this treatment)

Medicines for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients

What medicines to take when being diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease? Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is the most common life threatening genetic disorder caused by a single gene and affects between 1 in 400 to 1,000 people worldwide. This disease can occur in adult, also the baby. PKD is an illess which is marked by fluid-filled cysts that form in the nephrons of both kidneys (bilateral) and with no time and effective treatment, these cysts will become larger and larger. Under such a condition, kidney tissues will be oppressed and damaged easily. We know kidney works through a group of kidney tissues. Therefore, damage of kidney tissues will be an indicator for impairment of kidney function.
Kidney failure is finally caused if PKD is left along, so once being diagnosed with this problem, a series of medicines will be needed to help patients control illness. Well, what are the commonly used medicines for PKD patients?
Hypotensive Drugs
Blood pressure increases and high blood pressure appears when kidneys are damaged to a certain degree by the enlarged cysts. In this case, hypotensive drugs are needed to control high blood pressure, as it is an important factor that accelerates illness progression. Common bloodpressure medicines include:
ACE inhibitors.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
Calcium channel blockers.
Direct renin inhibitors.
Medicines for Anemia
Erythropoietin (rhEPO) therapy and iron replacement therapy for anemia.
Medicines for proteinuria caused by PKD

ACE inhibitors and ARBs. These may be used if you have protein in your urine (proteinuria) or have heart failure. Regular blood tests are required to make sure that these medicines don't raise potassium levels (hyperkalemia) or make kidney function worse.

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