What does creatinine level 2.5 mean? Is it dangerous? Read on to learn about
creatinine level in blood.
What does creatinine level 2.5 mean? Is it dangerous? Read on to learn about
creatinine level in blood.
Creatinine has been described as the oil of the muscle engine that makes the
muscle work more efficiently. It is a break-down product of creatine phosphate
in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body
(depending on muscle mass). Creatinine will be excreted through urine after
filtration by kidneys. If the kidney filtration function is damaged, creatinine
can not be excreted and stay in blood. creatinine level in blood will increase
and cause problems.
Serum creatinine (creatinine in blood)
Measuring serum creatinine is a simple test and it is the most commonly used
indicator of renal function, in another word, abnormal creatinine level in blood
(higher than normal level) usually indicates kidney diseases (high creatinine
level can be caused by many other reasons, not all of which are diseases)
There are five stages of kidney disease and creatinine level changes in
different stages.
In Stage 1 & 2, the creatinine level is <133umol/l (<1.5mg/dl) and
generally there is no symptom.
In Stage 3, the creatinine level is 133~221 (1.5-2.5). Patients will have
tiredness, anemia and frequent night urine.
In Stage 4, the creatinine level is 221~442 (2.5-5.0). In this stage, there
will be obvious anemia, nausea, vomiting, metabolic acidosis and electrolytes
In stage 5, the creatinine level is >442 (>5.0). There will be obvious
symptoms of uremia such as severe anemia, digestive tract symptoms, nervous
symptoms, water, electrolytes and acid-base imbalance.
Hence creatinine level 2.5 in blood is in stage 4 of kidney disease if you
have ruled out other causes of high creatinine level in blood. it is a stage
that treatment is needed as soon as possible to avoid end-stage kidney
disease-renal failure, which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation or stem
cells transplant.