
How Long Can I Live with IgA Nephropathy

Many patients with IgA nephropathy are urgently want to know that how long they can live. In fact, the life expectancy of IgA nephropathy patients can be affected by many factors. According to the different conditions, different living habits, different treatment and different diet, etc., IgA nephropathy patients can live for a few months to a range for decades. So, how can we reduce the life of patients with IgA nephropathy.
Effective treatment, timely and effective treatment of kidney disease.
IgA nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune diseases, IgA treatment should start from immune. IgA immune complex deposition in the kidney, causing an inflammatory reaction, causing kidney damage. So many drug treatment of IgA nephropathy are used to prevent the inflammatory response. These drugs can quickly suppressed the inflammatory response in the short term to achieve the effect of the control of the disease. But for IgA nephropathy, only it is not enough to control the inflammatory response, we also need to clear the deposition of immune complexes in the kidney.
Immunotherapy is a new treatment of nephrotic disease, especially the treatment of autoimmune kidney disease treatment. And conventional kidney treatment, immunotherapy in the treatment of IgA than just control the inflammatory response, this therapy more attention to clear immune complexes in the kidney and blood.
In addition, IgA nephropathy is a chronic kidney disease early is not easy to be found, so many patients were diagnosed as IgA nephropathy, the disease has been developed to a very serious stage. Late relative to the early nephropathy, kidney disease more difficult to control the so treated early is a prerequisite for effectively extend the life of patients with IgA nephropathy.
The reasonable diet helps to help control and delay the development of IgA nephropathy
Under normal circumstances, IgA nephropathy patients need to comply with the low-salt diet, low quality protein diet, low potassium diet, low phosphorus diet and high vitamin calcium diet. This is a general diet principles for patients with IgA nephropathy. Some patients with IgA nephropathy hypokalemic phenomenon, multi diet high potassium foods in the daily diet should be noted, for example, bananas. The reasonable diet helps control the IgA nephropathy illness, delaying patients' lives.
Good habits
Many patients with IgA nephropathy should avoid developing unhealthy habits such as smoking alcoholics. These bad habits can accelerate IgA nephropathy to renal failure risk factors. Therefore, for patients with these bad habits, kicking smoking and drinking is helpful for prolonging their life. In addition, in order to prevent infections such as colds and other nephropathy aggravating factors, doing physical exercises will be helpful.
Life expectancy of IgA Nephropathy patients can be affected by many factors and as long as we avoid these bad factors, we are more likely to live a longer time.

Would Royal Jelly Be An Option of Chronic Nephritis?

As we all know, royal jelly have many effects to our health such as skin care, hairdressing, immunity improvement, liver protection, etc. So many chronic nephritis patients want to know whether they can eat royal jelly.
Diet is the most ideal means to assist the treatment for chronic nephritis patients. So they had better choose the food which can help to protect their renal function.
According to the American Cancer Society, chronic nephritis patients should eat more saccharide and starchy food like lotus root starch, sugarcane, Chinese yam, white sugar and royal jelly, because these food will produce water and carbon dioxide and these material won’t increase the renal burden. Then we can affirmatively say royal jelly is an option of chronic nephritis.
In addition, the patients suffering from chronic nephritis should pay attention to the following dietary principles.
1. Control the intake of salt.
If the patient has edema or hypertension, his intake of salt should be from 2g to 3g per day, while the patient’s intake of salt should less than 2g per day if he has serious edema.
2. Limit the intake of plant protein.
Suffering from edema, oliguria or hypertension, the patient should control his intake of protein which must be from 20g to 40g per day to reduce his renal burden. Plant protein contains a lot of fat bard alkali which can aggravate the burden of the kidney, so chronic nephritis patients should limit the intake of beans and bean products.
3. Limit the intake of water.
When chronic nephritis patients have edema, their intake of water should be controlled from 1200ml to 1500ml per day. If serious edema appears, patients have to limit their intake of water more strictly.
In conclusion, chronic nephritis patients had better eat more food which can help them to reduce their renal burden. Royal jelly is a good choice for them to get more nutrition but less protein.


How Long Can I Live with Stage 3 CKD

Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)is the progressive loss of kidney function with 5 stages. For people with stage 3 CKD, they begin to experience various clinical symptoms and these symptoms like swelling, high blood pressure and blood urine. As CKD is a fatal disease, so many CKD stage 3 patients ask how long they can live with kidney problem.
How long can one live with kidney problem? I believe all the CKD patients are eager to know the answer, however, this question is too hard to answer. But I can clearly tell that life span of CKD stage 3 can be affected by following factors:
1. High blood pressure and high blood sugar
Both high blood pressure and high blood sugar increase renal burden, which may worsen kidney function. Also, both of them can damage kidney directly. Therefore, to live a longer time, control blood pressure and blood sugar into normal range is necessary.
2. Proteinuria
Proteinuria refers to the urine with excessive protein. Proteinuria is the dominant symptom of kidney problem, but it can be caused by many other conditions like urinary tract infection and drastic physical exercises. Therefore, not everyone with proteinuria is definitely suffering from kidney problem.
3. Cold and Infection
Cold and infection are the leading two risky factor for kidney disease. For people with CKD stage 3, they may suffer from kidney failure within several days just because of cold or infection. Therefore, avoiding cold and infection is extremely important for CKD stage 3 patients to prolong their life span.
4. Well-planed diet helps to prolong life span
Improper diet accelerate CKD and push patients into dialysis faster. Therefore, for people with CKD stage 3, it is very beneficial if they arrange a scientific diet.
Aside from life span, prognosis of CKD stage 3 also can be affected by above several factors. Therefore, if CKD stage 3 patients want to live a longer and better life in future, they need to control their symptoms effectively, have a well-plant diet and avoid cold and infection strictly.

Meal Plan for Stage 4 CKD

Meal plan for stage 4 CKD should base on doctor's suggestions, as there are many foods that not suitable for CKD patients. CKD is shorted for Chronic Kidney Disease and it is a general medical term that used to prescribe the progressive loss of kidney function. For people with CKD stae 4, their illness condition has become relatively serious and in such a condition,they need to follow some dietary principles, so as to avid worsening kidney condition.
The following is the general guidance regarding diet for CKD stage patients. Hope it is helpful for you. Besides, because of difference of illness condition, the following meal plan is only effective for most of the CKD stage 4 patients and we can not make sure it is suitable for all the CKD patients.
1. Light foods
Light foods are beneficial for CKD patients, especially for these who have swelling and high blood pressure symptom. Therefore, if you are a patient with swelling and high blood pressure, try to stay far away from foods like bacon, salted eggs, pickles, various condiments and salad.
2. Eat less foods which are high in protein
Bean,bean products, egg white,chicken, beef, fish, milk and yogurt are high in protein. However, due to protein symptom, CKD stage 4 patients need to eat less of them. In daily life, they can eat some egg white and fish to replenish protein lost from urine.
3. Drink less fluid if there is swelling
Some stage 4 CKD patients may experience serious swelling and in such a case, limit fluid intake is necessary. Fluid include water, coffee, juice, wine and soup.
4. Potassium intake and phosphorous intake
If lab tests show high level of potassium and phosphorous, reducing the intake of them will be necessary. Otherwise, the illness condition will be accelerated. (If you want to know the exact foods that contain high phosphorus and potassium, please leave message to me)
The above is the general introduction about meal plan for stage 4 CKD patients. If there are any problems, welcome to leave me message.


Is It Possible to Avoid Dialysis When You Are in Stage 4 PKD

Is it possible to avoid dialysis when you are in PKD stage 4? Actually this is question is not hard to answer. I am happy to tell you that it is possible to live without dialysis if you stop PKD fundamentally and immediately, even if your kidney problem has developed to stage 4. Well then how to prevent dialysis with stage 4 PKD?
We know PKD progresses as more and more renal tissues are damaged by growing kidney cyst. These cysts are fluid-filled and with the increase of it, kidney cyst enlarges as well. Therefore, as long as we shrink kidney cyst effectively, further kidney damages will be avoided and also dialysis is avoided.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the latest medical treatment for PKD. It takes herb as medicines and is the external usage of Chinese medicines. Chinese medicines are taken orally, but for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is a kind of external medical treatment. While doing Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, what patients need to do is to lay on the bed for about 40 minutes and meanwhile, no side effects are caused.
After Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients may found their urine become cloudy and this is because wastes are excreted effectively. Also, if they do test, they can found their cyst are shrunk. As long as kidney cysts become smaller,no further kidney damages are caused and also, residual kidney functions are protected and stage 4 PKD is stopped successfully.
In past days, there is no effective treatment, and what patients can do is just to wait for dialysis or kidney transplant. However, now with the rapid development of medical technology, new treatment has been created to control PKD and as long as PKD patients do not give up, they can avoid dialysis.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure is a medical condition in which kidneys fail to function properly. Kidney is such an important internal organ so that our life fail to continue normally. With kidney failure we may suffer from various symptoms and this article aims at introducing gastrointestinal symptoms caused by kidney failure.
1. Nausea/vomit
Symptom of nausea or vomit especially appears in the morning and it is generally caused by high level of toxins. Toxins stimulate intestines and therefore make patients feel uncomfortable. Generally speaking, the higher the toxins level is, the serious the nausea or vomit symptom is.
2.Poor appetite
Almost all the kidney failure patients can experience poor appetite. Patients may have no appetite even when they face their favorite foods.
3.Bad taste in mouth
Kidney failure patients may also found they have bad taste in their mouth which is mostly caused by high blood urea nitrogen level. Urea nitrogen is the end product of protein and is normally discharged by kidney. However, due to failed kidney, urea nitrogen can not be excreted successfully, as a result of which, blood urea nitrogen increase. In such a case, patients need to limit protein intake, so as to avoid elevating blood urea nitrogen level. Besides, Pay attention to oral hygiene.
4.gastrointestinal bleeding
In cases of kidney failure, gastrointestinal bleeding usually occurs because of Gastric mucosal erosion or peptic ulcer.
The above are the common gastrointestinal symptoms of kidney failure. If there is anything unclear, welcome leave message to us and I will try my best to help you resolve it.


How to Prevent Hypertensive Nephropathy

Hypertensive Nephropathy is one of the serious complication of Hypertension,so preventing it in advance is necessary. Well then, how to prevent Hypertensive Nephropathy effectively?
1. Try to keep blood pressure into normal range
Hypertensive Nephropathy is caused when high blood pressure causes renal damages. Therefore, keeping blood pressure into normal range is essential. For some patients who have extremely high blood pressure, it is hard or impossible for them to control their blood pressure into normal range and under such a condition, even if blood pressure can not be lowered into normal range, they need to lower them as closely as possible to the normal level.
2. Reduce salt intake
Salt is rich in sodium and high level of sodium elevates blood pressure, so limiting salt intake is helpful for lowering blood pressure. Also, high intake of salt also increase renal burden, so low intake of salt will definitely benefit our kidney.
3.Do more physical exercises
Physical exercise is also helpful for preventing Hypertensive Nephropathy. A study in America show that exercising 30 minutes every day helps to prolong life span.
4. Have a relaxed life
It is widely known that when Hypertension patients feel worry and anxious, their blood pressure will increase. Frequently fluctuation will cause kidney damage directly. Having a relaxed life help to keep blood pressure stable, which is also helpful for preventing Hypertensive Nephropathy.
The above are the suggestions for Hypertension patients to prevent Hypertensive Nephropathy effectiely. If there is anything unclear,welcome to leave message to me.

How to Deal With Itchy Skin in Kidney Failure

Itchy skin is one of the exasperating symptoms of kidney failure which occurs as the final result of both chronic kidney problem and acute kidney problem. Itchy skin is bothersome as it affects our life seriously. We may can not concentrate on what we are doing and even have to stay awake as we have to scratch frequently. It is so obstructive, so it is necessary for kidney failure patients to learn how to deal with itchy skin in kidney failure.
how does kidney failure cause itchy skin?
Mostly, itchy skin occurs in kidney failure because of high level of toxins in the blood. These toxins are normally discharged by our kidney with our urine, however, because of kidney failure, renal excretion function decreases, as a result of which, toxins can not be excreted timely. They build up in the blood and circulate with our blood. They may reach every part of our body, so every of our internal organs are threatened by kidney. This is the reason, why people experience various symptoms like nausea, poor appetite and dizziness and so on.Usually, itchy skin occurs when toxins stimulate our skin.
how to deal with itchy skin in kidney failure?
There are some methods that can help to remit skin problem:
1. Daub antipruritic, which can make you feel better.
2. Take some anticnesmatic medicines and this also help to remit itching
3. Dialysis: we know itchy skin occurs because of high level of toxins in blood, so when these toxins are removed, itchy skin disappear.
4. Treat kidney problem as a whole: These toxins are generally discharged by our kidney, so as long as we increase our kidney function, toxins will be excreted again by our kidney and as long as toxin level in the blood is not so high, itchy skin will not be a problem.
The above is the introduction about management of itchy skin in kidney failure. If there is any problem, welcome to leave me message.


Severe Headache After Dialysis

Headache is one of the common dialysis complications and usually occurs when dialysis is going to the end or after dialysis. Here I will introduce how dialysis cause headache and how to prevent it.
How does dialysis cause headache?
Generally speaking, headache in dialysis occurs because of the following several factors:
1. poor control of blood pressure
2.Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome (DDS)
3. Imbalanced electrolyte
4. When dialysis fluid is changed, headache may also occur
How to prevent headache in dialysis?
1. Controlling blood pressure actively through taking blood pressure-lowering medicines and reducing salt intake.
2. Ask your doctor to give you the previous dialysis fluid if your headache is caused by changing of dialysis fluid
Dialysis is just a medical method that help to remove toxins from the blood. Toxins or wastes in our blood should be normally discharged by our kidney, however because of kidney failure, these toxins can not be excreted timely, as a consequent of this, toxins build up in the blood. These toxins not only damage our kidney,but also threaten our other internal organs, so removing them is necessary. Under such a condition, dialysis is applied.
Dialysis indeed help to clean blood, but long-term application always present serious complications which may become the final cause of patient's death. Therefore, even though dialysis is helpful and at the same time, it is fatal.
For people with early stage kidney problem, they can prevent kidney failure through Immunotherapy which treats kidney problem through repairing kidney damages. As long as kidney damages are repaired, kidney function increase and also toxins are cleared away. With clean blood, no dialysis is needed and also no headache is caused.

Is Creatinine Level 1.7 Serious

Is creatinine 1.7 serious? This is a question that ever be asked by a kidney disease patient. We know creatinine level reflects kidney function and high creatinine level always indicate serious kidney problem. However, as creatinine 1.7 is not so high, many patients do not think they should be alert. Actually, creatinine level 1.7 indicates at least a half of kidney function has been impaired.
Creatinine is one of the wastes that produced by our body. Similar with other wastes, it is normally discharged by our kidneys. However, once kidney function is impaired, creatinine and other wastes can not be excreted timely and fully, as a result of which, creatinine level is increased. Therefore, high creatinine level not only indicates kidneys are damaged badly, but also tell that there are large amounts of toxins in the blood.
Creatinine 1.7 is not so high, but clinical study have reported that creatinine level does not increase until a half of kidney function is affected.Therefore,for people with creatinine 1.7, they should be alert and go for medical treatment as quickly as possible. Otherwise, their creatinine level will keep rising and finally dialysis will be needed,
Since creatinine level increases as kidney fail to excrete excessive creatinine, so the fundamental method for lowering creatinine is to repair kidney damages. As long as kidney damages are repaired, kidney function increases and creatinine can be discharged successfully. Consequently, creatinine level decreases naturally.


How to Lower creatinine level 7.7

Normal creatinine level should be lower than 1.3 and creatinine level 7.7 means kidneys have already been damaged seriously. Generally speaking, when one's creatinine level increases to 7.7, he will be suggested to have dialysis to clean toxins in the blood.
Creatinine is one of the toxins in our blood and generally excreted through kidneys. However, once kidneys are damaged, renal excretion function decreases, so high creatinine level not only tell kidneys are damaged seriously, but also tell there are lots of toxins in the blood.These toxins threaten our internal organs badly, and may damage our brain, heart and other organs. Therefore, high creatinine should be lowered.
For people whose creatinine level increase slightly, it is helpful if they follow low-salt diet, low-protein diet, low-potassium diet and low-phosphorus diet. But for people with creatinine level 7.7, aside from changing their diet, they also need to recover their kidney function. As long as kidney function is recovered, excessive creatinine will be discharged gradually.
Immunotherapy as of now is the best method to recover kidney function. We say it is the best not only because it treats kidney problem fundamental, but also as it causes no side effects. It combines Micro-Chinese medicine and western medicines, through which, treatment effects become more obvious. Therefore, for people with creatinine 7.7, Immunotherapy is their best choice.
Lastly, any problem, welcome leave message to me.

How to eat with high creatinine level

Our diet affect our serum creatinine level, so for people who have elevated creatinine level in blood, changing their diet is helpful for preventing higher creatinine level. Well then, how to eat with high creatinine level at all?
1. Avoid ingesting too much protein
High creatinine level indicates serious kidney problem, so it is necessary for patients to limit protein intake so as to worsen kidney function. Foods high in protein include beans, bean products, egg, milk, fish, buts and seeds. Generally speaking, people with high creatinine level need to avoid these foods, however as protein is the necessary substance of our body, so to meet the physical demand and meanwhile do not increase renal burden, patients can ingest some high quality protein which can be found in fish, egg while, lean meat and milk.
2. Do not eat too much meat
For an healthy individual, eating too much meat may cause temporary increase of serum creatinine, but through kidneys, excessive creatinine can be discharged, so serum creatinine can return back to normal one or two days later. However, for kidney disease patients, because of impaired kidney function, these excessive creatinine can not be excreted timely, as a result of which, creatinine level can become higher. Therefore, to avoid elevating creatinine level, eating less meat is necessary.
3.Avoid drastic physical exercises
During drastic physical exercise, creatinine can be produced, so avoiding drastic physical exercise is necessary for kidney disease patients. Besides, patients with kidney problem need to have a good rest, so seeing from this point, reduce physical activity is helpful.
4.Low-salt diet
If patients with high creatinine level have high blood pressure and swelling symptom, limiting salt intake will be beneficial.
The above is the introduction about how to eat with high creatinine level. Hope it is helpful for you. Lastly, if you have any questions about high creatinine level, welcome leave message to me and I am glad to help you solve it.

Chinese Medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Many Polycystic Kidney Disease patients adopt surgery as their treatment when PKD is in early stage and dialysis when PKD is in advanced stage. As a matter of fact, aside from surgery and dialysis, Chinese medicines also can be adopted to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Chinese medicine, different from many oral medicines, take natural herbs as medicines. These herbs grow naturally and have been used to treat various refractory disease in clinic since several thousands years ago. They have a long history and their medical effects have been mastered well by our medical staff.
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hereditary kidney problem and usually occurs when patients enter into their 20. PKD affects our kidneys through enlarged cysts which can oppress surrounding renal tissues and make them unable in displaying kidney function. Kidneys are responsible for regulating our blood pressure,excreting toxins, keeping balance of acid-base and forming urine. Therefore, once kidneys are damaged, blood pressure increase and toxins build up in blood. Also, for enlarged kidney cysts, they present kidney pain and blood urine easily. These symptoms affect our normal life seriously, so many Polycystic Kidney Disease take medicines to control these symptoms.However,these medicines are only effective in remitting symptoms and can not shrink kidney cyst, so kidney failure can not be avoided if PKD patients just take some medicines to control their symptoms.
To receive better treatment effects, PKD patients can take western medicines and Chinese medicine together. Chinese medicines have function to improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure and increase the self-curative ability of damaged renal tissues. Under the effects of these functions, kidney cyst can be stopped from enlarging. As long as kidney cysts stop enlarging,further kidney damages will be avoided and also kidney failure is prevented if the treatment is timely.
Chinese medicines indeed show treatment effects in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease, but is has been proven that PKD can receive the best treatment effects if they combine western medicines and Chinese medicines.


Diet for High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level indicates there are too much waste in blood. Under such a condition, we need to change our diet,so as to cause higher creatinine level. Now, let's have a look about the diet for high creatinine level.
1. High protein foods should be avoided
High protein foods include fish, chicken,bean, bean products, pork, eggs, milk, yogurt, nuts and dairy. High protein foods worsen kidney condition, which may cause higher creatinine level. Therefore, limiting protein intake is necessary. However, as protein is the essential substance of our body, ingest some high quality protein will be better. High quality protein is contained by fish, chicken, egg white and milk.
2. High salt foods need to be avoided
Kidney disease patients are suggested to limit salt intake because salt is high in sodium. High levels sodium not only worsen kidney condition, but also worsen swelling symptom. Therefore, foods with high salt need to be avoided. These foods include salted eggs, pickles, bacon, onion soup, foods make with seasoned bread crumbs, sauerkraut, spaghtti sauce, potato salad and cheese sauce and so on.
3. High potassium foods also need to be avoided
High potassium foods elevate potassium level in the blood, which may therefore cause arhythmia. Therefore, these foods with high potassium like Avocados , Paprika and Red Chili Powder , Cocoa Powder and Chocolate , Dried Apricots, Prunes, Zante Currants, and Raisins and so on.
4. Avoid high phosphorus foods if there is high levels of phosphorus
This is the introduction about diet for high creatinine level. If there is anything unclear,welcome to leave message to me.

How to Manage Blood Urine in PKD

Blood urine is a common symptom for PKD.However,if we do not manage it properly, worse kidney condition will be caused. Therefore, learning how to manage blood urine in PKD is necessary.
How does PKD cause blood urine?
Before study the management of blood urine in PKD, let's found out how PKD causes blood urine firstly. Generally speaking, PKD patients suffer from blood urine easily in the following two conditions:
1.When kidney cyst enlarges to a certain size, they rupture easily. Cyst rupture will certainly cause blood urine.
2.When PKD is combined with kidney stone, blood urine occurs easily.
How to manage blood urine in PKD?
If blood urine is caused by cyst rupture, patients need to go to doctor for solution, so as to avoid infection. Infection may accelerate PKD into kidney failure within a short term. Therefore, preventing infection after cyst rupture is very necessary.
If blood urine in PKD occurs because of kidney stone, medical treatment for kidney stone is necessary. Kidney stone can cause kidney damage directly, so if kidney stone is not treated, kidney failure will come to patient earlier.
Other symptoms of PKD aside blood urine
Blood urine is just one of the symptoms of PKD and aside from it, patients also experience flank pain, foamy urine, fatigue, poor appetite, enlarged abdomen and so on. If you want to know how to manage these terrible symptoms, welcome to leave message to me and I am glad to offer you related information.


Nursing Care of Chronic Nephritis

The incidence of Chronic Nephritis increases very fast in recent years. The onset of this disease is concealed and the damage to kidney function is small, so that this disease usually has developed into the advanced stage when the patient finds it. In view of this situation, nursing care of Chronic Nephritis causes not only experts’ attention but also ordinary citizens’. In fact, we should pay more attention to five aspects in the nursing care of Chronic Nephritis.
1. Disease nursing: According to the difference of patients’ conditions, the doctor should closely observe the location, characteristic and distribution of patient’s edema, take the patient’s blood pressure at regular intervals and record the change of the patient’s urine output strictly.
2. Life nursing: The patients can increase the intake of saccharide and starchy food which will produce water and carbon dioxide, while they should reduce the intake of plant protein and salted food which will aggravate the kidney burden. Besides the above, chronic nephritis patients should have more rest and open their windows more often to get fresh air.
3. Medication nursing: Chronic nephritis patients should pay more attention to their usage of medicine, for example, they should closely observe the change of their blood pressure when they have blood pressure medicine.
4. Symptom nursing: Symptoms usually reflect patients’ condition so they must treat their diseases timely according to their clinical symptoms. Strengthening the clean sanitation of the body skin and oral mucosa and avoiding suprainfection are all benefit to their treatment.
5. Mental nursing: Patients suffering from chronic nephritis usually have heavy mental burden that requires their family members and doctors enlighten these patients. The last point but not the least importance is that we should help the patients to defeat the disease.
Chronic nephritis is so harmful that many patients are full of fears. But if we give them perfect nursing care, they will rebuild their confidence and have a new understanding of their life value.

How does Polycystic Kidney Disease cause Kidney Failure

Polycystic kidney is mainly characterized by bilateral kidneys having countless ranging liquid cysts whose diameter is from several millimeters to several centimeters. These cysts looking like a bunch of grapes become bloody fluid, when they are infected or injured. Along with the growth of this disease, cysts can continue to increase faster and become bigger. If the patient doesn’t find his disease or doesn’t get an effective treatment in the early stage, the increscent cysts will press his nephridial tissue with a result of obstruction in local kidney. With the increase of …, polycystic kidney disease will develop into kidney failure over time.
How to prevent polycystic kidney disease causing kidney failure?
When the patient’s polycystic kidney disease develops into chronic renal failure (CRF), he must know the three-level preventions very well and catch the treating opportunity to recovery his renal function. Taking an effective treatment as soon as possible is the only hope of recovery.
Primary prevention: treating the kidney diseases timely and effectively is to (means preventing ) prevent CRF.
Secondary prevention: treating the early-stage kidney disease timely is to prevent the occurrence of kidney failure.
Tertiary prevention: treating the early-stage kidney failure timely is to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease complications and to enhance the patient’s quality of life.
How to treat kidney failure caused by polycystic kidney disease?
In the clinical, many patients’ polycystic kidney disease develops into kidney failure because of the illness aggravating. At present, there are three methods for kidney failure caused by polycystic kidney disease:
1、 Western treatment: western treatment usually uses oral medicine and dialysis to control the growth of the disease. This treatment can work quickly, but it may cause many complications.
2、 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment: treatment of traditional Chinese medicine has a considerable effect for the patients with chronic renal failure, and it can improve patients’ clinical symptoms. However this treatment needs long time and effect slowly.
3、 Treatment combining WM and TCM: in the clinical, this treatment develops a new style, and it isn’t affected by digestive system and circulating system. So it has an advantage of obvious and lasting efficacy.
In summary: having polycystic kidney disease is not terrible, unless lack of attention to it. If you can treat it early, you can still have a good health.


Comprehensive Introduction about Serum Creatinine

What is serum creatinine?
Creatinine level,is One of the main methods to know of the function of the kidney. How dose creatinine work? Endogenous creatinine is the product of Muscle metabolism in our body. Creatine change into creatinine slowly mainly through irreversible enzyme reaction dehydration in the muscle and released into blood ,with the urine. So, serum creatinine has a close relationship with the total muscle in the body and it hardly influenced by diet. As a kind of small molecule, creatinine is filtered through glomerulus and little of it is absorbed by kidney tubules. Thus the daily creatinine produced in the body are almost discharged with urine and generally speaking it not affected by the amount of urine. Creatinine accumulates into the toxin in the body if the kidney function insufficiency. The normal higher limit of plasma creatinine is 100 micromole per liter and different hospital has different testing standard. But it always would not over 120 micromole per liter .Creatinine clearance rate (Ccr) is endogenous creatinine in some milliliter blood plasma is cleaned out within a unit time in kidney.Endogenous creatinine clearance test can reflect the function of glomerular filtration and can rough estimate the number of the effective kidney unit.Then it is quantitative test about determination renal damage.It is one of the preferable clinical kidney function tests for its simple operation method,less interference factors and high sensitivity.

What can cause high serum creatinine?
The density change of serum creatinine is mainly decided by the glomerular filtration ability(glomerular filtration rate).The density of serum creatinine increases if the filtering function decreases. If the serum creatinine is higner than the normal rate, that most means the kidney is damaged,because the serum creatinine can more accurately reflects the damage of the kidney but it is not the sensitive index. The serum creatinine could increased obviously as the glomerulus filtering rate decrease to one third level of the normal person. In other words ,while the damage of the kidney is lighter milder,people would not have a strong feeling as body has a strong metabolic ability.Then when many people feel sick,vomiting and dizzy,the damage of the kidney is seriously and the serum creatinine beigins to increase obviously.

The harms of high serum creatinine
1、Sodium metabolism disorders:high creatinine leads to Hyponatremia or hypernatremia.
2、Potassium metabolism disorders: high creatinine offen appear with hyperkalemia or hypokalemia .
3、Water metabolism disorders:include diuresis, nocturia increased, thirsty, dry mucous membrane, lack of energy and so on;or systemic oedema、increases in blood pressure、pulmonary oedema and Heart failure etc.
4、Aluminum, magnesium and copper, zinc, selenium metabolic abnormalities, etc. 5、renal osteopathy:bone pain and proximal muscle weakness;bone pain often for systemic,,the following bust pragmatic bone is more serious,skeleton abnormal leads to short stature and other symptoms.
6、metabolic acidosis:creatinine high patients offen breathe deep and long 、loss of appetite 、abdominal pain 、nauseat、vomite、weak、headache、the restless even coma and other symptoms
7、circulation system lesions
8、digestive system lesions.
9、blood system lesions,such as blood nephropathy anemia,and so on.
10、respiratory system disease.

Hypertensive Nephropathy: Symptoms, Stages, Diagnosis

Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy
Severe edema: as the fist symptom,edema usually emergs systemic edema, and if the finger press ,it will appear sunken.Serious patients may also have pleural effusion and ascites.when pleural effusion and ascites is quiet a lot ,it possiblely cause difficute breathing,umbilical hernia or inguinal hernia. Highly edema is often accompanied by little urine, hypertension and mild azotemia.
Massive proteinuria:massive proteinuria is the majoy performance of nephrotic syndrome.Urinary protein equalization almost be ++~++++ (urinary protein quality). Adults excetion of urinary protein ≥3.5g/d, almost selective proteinuria.
Hypoproteinemia:plasma protein descends,seralbumin<30g/L,serious are less than 10g/L .
Hyperlipemia:cholesterol,triglycerides and so on are all obviously rise.
Stages of the Hypertensive Nephropathy
In the clinical,hypertensive nephropathy has been divided into the following stage according to
the patient's condition and the laboratory test.
Ⅰstage--microalbuminuria: characterized by the abnormal rate of urinary albumin excretion. Renal function is normal,and urine conventional protein is negative. (Routine urine test )
Ⅱ stage--clinical proteinuria:characterized by the positive urine conventional protein,the ration of proteinuria>0.5g.Renal function is normal.
III stage--Renal insufficiency:characterized by Ccr dropping and SCr rising. Divided into non-dialysis period and dialysis period (uremia).
Non-dialysis period:Ccr is in 40~10ml/min,133μmol/L
Dialysis period (uremia):Ccr<10ml/min. Scr>707μmol/L.
Differential diagnosis
Diagnosis of Hypertensive Nephropathy
The age is mostly above 40-50 years, and the history of hypertension is above 5-10 years.In the early stage ,only nocturia increases,hereafter then proteinuria appears. Due to broken capillaries, Individual cases may occur transient gross hematuria, but not accompanied by lumbago. Frequently merge arteriosclerotic retinopathy,left ventricular hypertrophy,Coronary heart disease,cerebral arteriosclerosis ,and(or) the history of cerebrovascular accident.Course of the disease progresses slow,small part gradually developes into renal failure,most of renal function is damaged mildly year in year out ,and urine convention is abnormal.The diastolic blood pressure of malignant hypertension needs achieve more than 16Kpa (120mmHg),accompanied by obvious heart brain complications and developed fast,a great quatity of protreinuria always accompanied by hematuria,and progressive loss of renal function

How Do Our Kidneys Work

Why Is Kidney Important?
The function of the kidney play an important role in how our body operats.The kidney is the organ that filters blood and produces urine and they also regulate amounts of certain vital substances in the body. Is there other function? Following part will tell us an unexpected answer.
There are a number of conditions,diseases and lifestyle choices that can lead to decreased kindney function. Kidney diseases affect the life of the patient seriously. In order to protect our kidney well, let’s learn the basic knowledge of the kidney carefully.
Structure of the kidneys
The kidney is responsible for maintaining fluid balance within the body. Unfiltered blood enters the kidneys through the renal artery. The kidneys take metabolites and minerals away from the blood in the section which is called the nephron. The nephron is the basic structure and function unit of the kidneys.Each nephron is made of renal corpuscle and kidney tubules, which can filter wastes, macromolecules, and ions from the blood to urine. About 1 million nephrons in each kidney form 10-20 cone-shaped units which is called renal pyramids that span both the inner medulla and outer cortex portions of the kidney.
All of the tubules from the many nephrons pool together into one collection duct. In the collection duct, many substances are reabsorbed back into the blood, helping to regulate electrolytes.
The function of the kidneys
Filtering of the blood is the major responsibility of the kidney.this function can clean our blood through taking wastes away from our blood in the part called the nephron.
The kidneys are important in keeping homeostasis. This is involved in regulating electrolytes, blood pressure and the PH level of blood. The kidney can secrete rennin which can regulate our blood by the RAAS system. Erythropoietin, a protein that motivates the production of the red blood cell, is secreted by the kidney. The kidney tubules can filter wastes, macromolecules, and ions from the blood to urine. At the same time, they also conserve water,salts,and electrolytes which is useful to our body to keep the balance of the internal environment. The kidney also can regulate the balance of calcium and Phosphorous by activating VD3.
In a word, all the functions contributes to building a stable internal environment,which is the necessary condition to maintain our normal life.
Our kidneys have so many functions. Once the kidney is damaged ,all the functions will be weaken or lost. Then our body will be in morbidity.
The development process of the kidney disease are more secretive, but in the early stage of chronic renal disease, the body will appear warning signs/ symptoms/clinical manifestation/ clinical behavior, such as drowsiness, fatigue, face yellow, loss of appetite. These symptoms appear on many people but they are ignored.So the condition of many patients who come to hospital for help has been developed to kidney failure.
Protecting our kidneys is to protect our body.Let’s have a close attention on kidney disease and our health.


What are the causes of proteinuria in kidney disease

Do you know what are the causes of proteinuria in kidney disease?
1 Due to the increased glomerular permeability, the filtration of normal plasma protein is increase and the protein has beyond the heavy absorption ability of the kidney tubules.(MAU nephritic syndrome)
2 The function defect of the kidney tubules disturbs the heavy absorption ability of the tubules to the normal protein from glomeruli.
3 More IGA to be produced comes from the urinary tract infections.
4 The activity of Adrenaline and Angiotensin is increase when the body in a state of stress. This leads to arteriola glomerularis afferens and arteriola glomerularis efferens contracted. Arteriola glomerularis afferens contracted makes plasma albumin and other macromaolecule protein easily pass the GBM. If arteriola glomerularis efferens contracted more than arteriola glomerularis afferens, the capillary hydrostatic pressure and filtration fraction of glomerulus is increase. So the plasma protein is more easily through the GBM. All these cause functional proteinuria, and do not mean the damage of glomerulus and kidney tubules.
All the proteinuria patients may have one or some causes to produce protienuria. PSGN patients may have changes of the permeability of the glomerular and inflammation of renal tubular. The classification of proteinuria is based on these physiopathologic mechanisms .

What are the early symptoms of chronic nephritis in children?

What are the early symptoms of chronic nephritis in children? Most of the children with chronic nephritis are glomerulonephritis that is caused by primary or secondary disease, some of them developed from acute nephritis. The disease often last over one year and manifests edema, blood urine, foamy urine in the early stage.
Symptom of chronic nephritis in children: palpebral edema.
The edema is often caused by damaged regulatory function of kidney. The dysfunction leads to the increase of water and sodium in body and they are stored in tissue, which makes edema happen.
Symptom of chronic nephritis: blood urine.
Blood urine is a common symptom of chronic nephrites in children. There are two kinds of hematuria―gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. The color of gross hematuria is dark brown and can be seen by naked eyes. If there is something unusual with urine, then the parents should take the child to hospital and have some test.
Symptom of chronic nephritis: foamy urine.
There are many little types of foam and take a long time to disappear, which indicate there is protein in urine.
Symptom of chronic nephritis: poor appetite
With Chronic Nephritis, children may also suffer from poor appetite. They have no appetite even if when they face their favorite foods.
Cold and infection are the leading two risky factor for Chronic Nephritis in children. Therefore, helping children to prevent cold and infection is very important for preventing the occurrence of Chronic Nephritis.


How to Prevent Chronic Nephritis

As the number of chronic nephritis patients increases so fast, to prevent chronic nephritis have been taken into consideration. Chronic nephritis occurs when a group of kidney disorders invade the internal kidney structure called glomerulus. Damage to glomerulus can destroy the kidney’s ability to filter waste and may lead to renal failure. The key to prevent chronic nephritis is to improve our resistance to diseases. So we must take some measures to strength our bodies in our daily life.
1. Take appropriate exercise. Living in a busy city, many people ignore the importance of exercise and they usually attribute that to lack of time. In fact, we can use a lot of scattered time to do exercise. Taking appropriate exercise is helpful to prevent not only chronic nephritis but also many other diseases.
2. Open the door to keep our air clean. Fresh air can help us to promote our metabolism which can take more toxins out of our body, so less waste will accumulate in our glomerulus.
3. Prevent infection lesions and acute nephritis. It can help us to prevent chronic nephritis if we can reduce the body’s chance to be infected. Once we are infected by some diseases or suffer from acute nephritis, we had better get a treatment timely and thoroughly.
4. Pay attention to our own body’s testing. Enuresis nocturna, poor appetite and back pain are all the symptoms of kidney disease. So if you have one or more symptoms mentioned above, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. The earlier you get the diagnosis and treatment, the better your condition will be.
With a good living habit and more attention to our own body, we can prevent chronic nephritis more effectively. But if you have had symptoms of this disease, please find a good hospital to treat your disease.

PKD: How to Prevent Anemia

Anemia is one of PKD complications, usually not appearing until PKD develops into end-stage renal failure. Compared with other renal failure patients whose diseases are caused by other kidney diseases, PKD patients often get anemia later. But patients who suffer continuous hematuria may have light anemia earlier than other PKD patients.
Why dose anemia appear in the PKD patients? The first and the key reason is that renal damages make kidney erythropoietin reduce and influence bone marrow generating immature red blood cells. The next reason is that the patients controlling protein intake for a long time leads to the concentration of plasma protein drop. The last reason is that a large amount of harmful substances accumulating in the body restrain marrow hemopoietic function, aggravate the blood cell damage, and influence the life of red cells. Now we have known pathogenic factors of PKD. Next we have to take some measures to prevent anemia appearing in PKD.
(1) Prevent cold
The patients with PKD are very miserable, because different from other kidney diseases, PKD is a permanent inherited disease. Even if their family gives a lot of consideration to them, they still can’t stop cysts increasing. At this time, to catch a cold is certainly to aggravate anemia and kidney damage.
(2) Prevent injury
Cysts increasing will lead to the pressure in these cysts rising, bilateral renal becoming bigger, and intra-abdominal pressure increasing. Then any slight injury will influence the development of patients’ disease and give rise to rupture of cysts. At that time, the patients will be infected easily.
(3) Control the blood pressure
Most of the patients have hypertension before kidney damage, so we call their polycystic kidney has had disease. As we all know, the appearance of hypertension will speed up renal damage, aggravate anemia, and cause many serious complications like heart damage, cerebrovascular rupture and apoplexy. Therefore controlling the blood pressure is very important to remit the patients’ condition.
(4) Form a good eating habit
In the process of treatment, a good eating habit can play an important role in controlling kidney damage. Using low salt, low protein, low fat, and containing much plant crude fibre diet can keep the patients’ bowels open, so more toxins in their body are excreted and their anemia is remitted.
Taking measures to prevent anemia actively, you can still have a relatively good health. I hope we can give a blue sky back to you. Please keep a good mood and build up your confidence.

How can we prevent children with nephritic syndrome(NS) from the damage of toxin?

The children primary NS is a series of clinical syndromes about pathological physiology change. The permeability of the glomerulus filtration membrance increases, which causes NS, leading to heavy proteinuria.
NS is one of the common kidney diseases during the children period, especially the primary NS. Its clinical symptoms repeat and delay easily, influencing the children health seriously.
Children primary NS is due to the unusual production of the immune globulin, which may relate to the disorder of the humoral immunity. Accroding the study of Chongqing medical university children’s hospital affiliated immune laboratory, the immune globulin, IgG reduce sharply and IgM increase in the children with primary NS. The result shows that the pathogenesis of NS is related to the disorder of the humoral immune. The disorder of the humoral immune is also cause to resistibility droped and infected. So our treatment should pay attention to adjusting the patient’s immune function.
Hormone immunosuppressive agent is used to treat children with NS. With the appearing of the more and more “fat baby face”,the anxious parents start to look for other therapies.
The Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is an effective treatment. Making the effective prescription to supermicro smash is in order to make the active ingredients released and mixed abundantly and with the help of availably penetrant and penetration equipment, we apply the medicine to the lesion on kidney, to achieve the goal of treating kidney disease finally. This non-oral drug solves the problems of toxin and side effects,protecting our children from the damage of toxin.
I hope that all of the children can grow healthily.


What Causes Your Glomerulonephritis?

According to the statistics from kidney disease expert, there are about one million people dying from PSGN in our country every year. PSGN is one of the most major reasons to uremia. PSGN not only endangers our health,but also brings a heavy financial burden to our families. What causes glomerulonephritis?
After strep bacterial infect our skin or throat 10-14 days, the infection can develop to PSGN. Why? Because the strep bacterial infection can make the tiny blood vessels in the units of the kidney to become inflamed. This makes the kidney less able to filter the blood. When our immune system distinguishs the strep bacterial which intrudes into our body, the system can produce antibody. This specific antibody is intended to kill the bacterial. The immune complex which combined by bacterial and antibody will be catched by the blood capillary in the kidney. The GFR decreases and the volume of the urine reduce, then the wastes are hard to discharged with the urine. At the same time, the oxygen supply to kidney is not enough, resulting to many units in kidney become necrosi for lacking of blood and oxygen.
It may occur in people of any age, but it most often occurs in children ages 6-10. Although skin and throat infections are commom in children, PSGN is a rare complication of these infections. This is determined by the ability of the immune in children.

How to Lower High Blood Sugar Level In Diabetes

High blood sugar level is the typical symptom and index of Diabetes. We feel nothing different if our blood sugar level increases temporarily. However, long-term high blood sugar level will put us in trouble. Therefore, lowering high blood sugar level is very important for people with Diabetes.
The followings are the several methods that can help to lower blood sugar. Hope they are helpful for you.
1. Increase physical exercises
While we are doing physical exercises, our body need to consume lots of sugar to supply energy. Therefore, physical exercise is an effective and commonly used method to low blood sugar.
Also, increasing physical exercises is also helpful for diabetics to maintain a healthy body weight. For type Diabetes patients, they develop diabetes mostly because of overweight. Therefore, no matter you are a diabetic or a prediabetic, physical exercise is beneficial.
2. Reduce sugar intake
Diabetes is marked by high blood sugar level, so many diabetics think that they can not eat sugar. Actually, this is a totally wrong thought. People with Diabetes can eat sugar, but they need to limit the amount. The exact amount sugar that allowed for diabetics depend on their specific illness condition. In general, the intake should not excess the amount that our body needed.
3. Take some blood sugar-lowering medicines
For people whose blood sugar is hard to lower down, they can take some blood sugar-lowering medicines like Glucophage.
4. Insulin-rejection
Insulin-rejection is commonly used by people with type 1 Diabetes. It is a method to keep our blood sugar in normal range, but it is not a real treatment, because it can not help our body produce insulin. In cases of type 1 Diabetes,blood sugar level increases because pancreas islet B cells are damaged by our own substances and fail to secrete insulin. Insulin rejection help to put some insulin in our body, but fail to stop our body from generating substances that can damage our pancreas islet. Therefore, it is not a real treatment.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an advanced therapy that can stop our body from damaging pancreas islet. Therefore, though this therapy, type 1 Diabetes can be treated fundamentally. As long as there is insulin in our body, blood sugar can be lowered effectively.
The above is the introduction about the several methods that can lower blood sugar level.Hope it is helpful for you. Also, if there is anything unclear, you can leave message to me and I am glad to help you solve problem with free charge.

What Can Affect the Life Expectancy of Diabetic Nephropathy

Do you know the life expectancy of Diabetic Nephropathy? As a matter of fact, life expectancy of Diabetic Kidney Disease can be affected by many factors, so it is hard for us to speak out the exact life span of a Diabetic Nephropathy patient. Learning about the several factors that can affect the life expectancy of Diabetes Nephropathy and then they can prolong their life span by taking some measures.
What can affect the life expectancy of Diabetic Nephropathy and how to deal with them?
1. Diabetic Nephropathy symptoms
Diabetic Nephropathy symptoms include proteinuria, swelling, high blood sugar and high blood pressure and so on. Although these symptoms occur because of Diabetic Kidney Disease. If left uncontrolled, they accelerate DN and worsen kidney condition, which can thus shorten the life span of patients. Therefore, bringing these symptoms under control is very helpful for prolong DN patient's life.
2. Die also has a certain influence on DN patient's life span
Similar with patients who have other kinds of kidney disease, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy also need to change their diet, so as to avoiding worsening kidney condition. In general, people with kidney problem caused by Diabetes need to limit sugar intake, protein intake, fat intake, sodium intake and even fluid intake.
3. Medical treatment plays the biggest part in deciding the life expectancy of Diabetic Nephropathy
We know Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the serious complications of Diabetes,and it occurs because of long-term high blood sugar. Therefore, people with diabetic kidney problem are at high risk of developing other fatal complications of Diabetes like eye problem, foot problem and neuropathy. Medical treatment is the only and best method to reduce the morbidity of these complications. Therefore, Diabetic Nephropathy patients who can receive medical treatment in early stage always have a longer life span.
Now that we have learned the factors that can affect the life expectancy of Diabetic Nephropathy, and also know how to deal with them, we need to take action now to prolong our life span and I believe through our efforts, we can receive good result.


How to Lower Creatinine Level at 6.7

If your creatinine level is higher than 6.7, I am afraid that you are suffering kidney failure. Creatinine is one of the wastes that produced by our body and should be normally excreted through our kidneys. Increased creatinine level indicates that there are too much toxins in the blood, so if you have creatinine 6.7, I am afraid you need to do dialysis or kidney transplant.
With effective control, creatinine level continue to increase, and cause the occurrence of various fatal complications. Therefore, lowering creatinine level is very important. The followings are the several methods that can help to lower creatinine level.
1. protect residual kidney function
creatinine is discharged through kidney, however, because of kidney damages, kidney function decreases, as a result of which, lots of creatinine can not be expelled timely. Therefore, if we want to lower creatinine level, we must protect residual kidney function.
2. Adjust our diet
Improper diet aggravate kidney function, which can thus elevate creatinine. Therefore,adjusting our diet is also very important for lowering creatinine level. Generally, with creatinine 6.7, we must limit protein intake, potassium intake,phosphorus intake and also meat intake. Meat is the source of creatinine, so reducing meat intake is helpful for preventing further higher creatinine level.
3. Reducing physical activity
Reducing physical activity also help to lower creatinine level. Besides meat eaten by us, our muscle is another source of creatinine; that is to say, if we do lots of physical activities someday, our creatinine level will increase slightly; so to achieve the purpose of lowering creatinine level, avoiding drastic physical activities will be helpful. In addition, if your creatinine level has increased to 6.7, which indicates that your illness condition is relatively serious. Under such a circumstance, you need to have good rest and avoid being tired.
4. Medical treatment
Medical treatment is the most effective treatment for lowering creatinine level. For people with creatinine level 6.7, their kidneys have been damaged seriously and under such a condition, aside from adjusting diet, medical treatment is essential.
At the moment, Immunotherapy shows great treatment effects in lowering creatinine level and many patients has received satisfactory treatment effects through this treatment. If you are interested in this treatment, you can leave us message to get more information.

What Does Protein in Urine Mean for Diabetics

If you are a diabetic and told there are protein in your urine, I am afraid you are suffering from kidney problem. Kidney problem caused by Diabetes is called Diabetic Nephropathy in clinical and proteinuria is the only and typical symptom of it in early stage.

Protein is one of the three main types of chemical that make up our body (the others are fats and sugars). Protein is an important part of diet, and is contained in most types of food. Meat and fish contain large amounts of protein. After you eat protein, it is dissolved in the stomach and absorbed into the body. The protein is then modified and distributed throughout the body in the blood. Protein is an important part of the plasma (watery part) of the blood, and the body does not want to lose protein. Therefore, when the body eliminates waste through the kidneys, protein should be kept in the blood stream.
The kidneys make urine by filtering the blood. Normally no protein passes into the urine when the blood is filtered, because protein in the blood is too large to pass through the tiny holes in the kidney filters. However, the filter can be damaged in long-term high blood sugar, so that protein can pass into the urine. Thereby, proteinuria always means kidney damages for people with Diabetes.
Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the fatal complications of Diabetes and if left uncontrolled, it will progressive to kidney failure and therefore push diabetics into dialysis or kidney transplant. Therefore, for diabetics, once proteinuria occurs, diabetics need to repair damaged kidney filters as quickly as possible, so as to stop proteinuria fundamentally. Also to avoid worsening damaged kidney filters, diabetics with proteinuria also need to limit protein intake in our daily life, and this will be helpful for the quick recovery of kidney damages.


Natural Treatment for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

The children primary Nephrotic Syndrome is a series of clinical syndromes about pathological physiology change. The permeability of the glomerulus filtration membrance increases, which causes NS, leading to heavy proteinuria.
NS is one of the common kidney diseases during the children period, especially the primary NS. Its clinical symptoms repeat and delay easily, influencing the children health seriously.
Children primary NS is due to the unusual production of the immune globulin, which may relate to the disorder of the humoral immunity. Accroding the study of Chongqing medical university children’s hospital affiliated immune laboratory, the immune globulin, IgG reduce sharply and IgM increase in the children with primary NS. The result shows that the pathogenesis of NS is related to the disorder of the humoral immune. The disorder of the humoral immune is also cause to resistibility droped and infected. So our treatment should pay attention to adjusting the patient’s immune function.
Hormone immunosuppressive agent is used to treat children with NS. With the appearing of the more and more “fat baby face”,the anxious parents start to look for other therapies.
The Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is an effective treatment. Making the effective prescription to supermicro smash is in order to make the active ingredients released and mixed abundantly and with the help of availably penetrant and penetration equipment, we apply the medicine to the lesion on kidney, to achieve the goal of treating kidney disease finally. This non-oral drug solves the problems of toxin and side effects,protecting our children from the damage of toxin.
I hope that all of the children can grow healthily.

How to Treat Diabetic Nephropathy Effectively

Diabetic Nephropathy occurs in Diabetics who have long high blood glucose course or those who fail to control sugar properly. The patients with Diabetic Nephropathy have symptoms such as proteinuria and swelling. The patients need effective treatment for their kidneys so as to get rid of risks of entering kidney failure.
Effective treatment method for Diabetic Nephropathy should contain the following treatments effects.
1) Controlling the blood sugar level within the normal range, repairing the damaged islet cells, blocking Insulin Resistance, and repairing susceptibility genes. Only in such way, your illness condition will be improved.
2) Blocking renal fibrosis which is caused by Diabetes, if renal fibrosis can’t be blocked effectively and thoroughly, kidneys will be damaged continuously.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended in the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. The recommended reasons are as follow. Micro-Chinese Medicine is the further development of herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is natural remedy, not like western medicine, it has few side effects and treat disease from root cause, not just aiming to clinical symptoms. So patients don’t need to worry their illness condition will relapse if they stop take this therapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has many advantages over herbal medicine. Herbal medicine need patients to drink bitter medicine, takes a longer treatment course and the ingredients of herbal medicine may be ingested before reaching the kidney lesions. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy overcame these shortages, and much effective than herbal medicine.
After entering into patients’ body, the ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine will block renal fibrosis through the following functions:
1) Through dilating blood vessels, blood perfusion speed will increase, more nutrients in blood will be transferred into kidney lesions, so kidneys will get more nutrients.
2) Through degrading the extracellular matrix, the internal environment of ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys will be improved, and the perfusion flow of the blood to the kidneys will be increased, so the filtered ability of the kidneys will be improved.
Plus its anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity, renal fibrosis will be blocked and injured kidney filters can be repaired gradually, and thus the patients effectively treat Diabetic Nephropathy and avoid their sufferings.

What Other Disease You May Suffer with Diabetes

Diabetes is marked by high levels of blood sugar which causes no damage to our body in short time. However, if Diabetics just leave their high blood sugar away, they will be at high risk to suffer from some other serious disease. However, what other disease we may suffer with Diabetes?
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease, a range of blood vessel system diseases that includes both stroke and heart attack, is the major cause of death in people with diabetes. The two most common types of cardiovascular disease are coronary heart disease, caused by fatty deposits in the arteries that feed the heart, and hypertension, or high blood pressure. Research shows that people with diabetes are more likely to have high cholesterol and hypertension, both of which cause damage to the cells lining the artery walls. Researchers think high blood glucose contributes to both of these conditions.
Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic Nephropathy is extreme common among Diabetes and usually occurs after people suffer from Diabetes for 5 to 10 years. At the very beginning of Diabetic Nephropathy, patients usually have no abnormal symptoms, so diabetic kidney problem is ignored easily. Without timely control, Diabetic kidney problem will finally develop to kidney failure, so it is helpful to prevent kidney problem in advance for diabetics.
Neuropathy, or nerve damage, affects more than 60 percent of people with type 1 diabetes. The impact of nerve damage can range from slight inconvenience to major disability and even death. Diabetic neuropathy leads to loss of feeling and sometimes pain and weakness in the feet, legs, hands, and arms, and is the most common cause of amputations not caused by accident in the United States. In one type of neuropathy, known as autonomic neuropathy, high glucose levels injure the autonomic nervous system, which controls bodily functions such as breathing, circulation, urination, sexual function, temperature regulation, and digestion. Autonomic neuropathy may result in various types of digestive problems, diarrhea, erectile dysfunction, a rapid heartbeat, and low blood pressure.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most commonly eye-related disease and also it is the most common complications of Diabetes. It is a progressive diseases that destroys small blood vessels in the retina, eventually causing vision problems.Nearly all people with type 1 diabetes show some symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, usually after about 20 years of living with diabetes; approximately 20 to 30 percent of them develop the advanced form.
All of these serious complications are refractory disease, so diabetics, especially these who have developed Diabetes for so many years, should take some preventive measures in advance, so as to keep far away from these fatal diseases.


How Does FSGS Causes proteinuria

FSGS is a pathological diagnosis of kidney disorder. Focal refers to that only some of the glomeruli are involved (as opposed to diffuse), segmental means that only part of each glomerulus is damaged (as opposed to global). Glomerular cells are responsible for blocking proteins from running out of the body. In FSGS, the damaged glomerular cells will cause an excess loss of proteins, thus causing proteinuria. Massive proteinuria as what is mentioned is a dangerous sign, for heavy loss of proteins worsen fibrosis on renal tissues.
However, how does proteinuria is formed in FSGS?
FSGS is diagnosed through renal biopsy. Protein, as the essential substances of our body, are kept in our body because of glomerular filtration membrane. Glomerular filtration membrane is composed of glomerulus which is a kind of renal intrinsic cell. Once many glomeruli are damaged, glomerular filtration is membrane is damaged and consequently, protein leak. 
Damaged glomerular filtration membrane is the real reason that large amounts of protein leak into urine. Proteinuria is just the manifestation or we can say the result of damaged glomerular filtration membrane. It is not the real reason that causes FSGS and the real treatment for FSGS is to repair damaged glomerular filtration membrane.


How Does Diabetes Cause Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the fatal complications of Diabetes. Diabetes is marked by high levels of blood sugar and kidney disease is marked by decreased GFR, so how is Diabetes related with kidney problem?
The following is the introduction that how is Diabetic Nephropathy caused. Hoping it is helpful for you.

Each kidney is made of hundreds of thousands of small units called nephrons. These structures filter your blood and help remove wastes from your body.
In people with diabetes, the nephrons thicken and slowly become scarred over time. The kidneys begin to leak and protein (albumin) passes into the urine.
Poor control of blood sugar is thought to lead to kidney damage. If you also have high blood pressure, kidney damage is even more likely.
In some cases, your family history may also play a role. Not everyone with diabetes develops this kidney problem.
People with diabetes who smoke, and those with type 1 diabetes that started before age 20 have a higher risk for kidney problems.
People of African-American, Hispanic, and American Indian origin are also more likely to have kidney damage.
Diabetic Nephropathy is caused usually after people suffer from Diabetes over 10 years, which means, the longer time that people suffer from Diabetes, the more likely that diabetics suffer from kidney problem. Therefore, for diabetics who have had high blood sugar so many years, they should take actions in advance to prevent kidney damages.

Symptoms Indicating Diabetic Nephropathy

Long-term Diabetes can cause kidney problem and it is called Diabetic Nephropathy. But for diabetics, how do they know whether their kidneys have been damaged?
Generally speaking, people with Diabetic Nephropathy have the following symptoms. Therefore, if any diabetic found they have some or all of the following symptoms. I am afraid their kidneys have been damaged seriously:

edema: swelling, usually around the eyes in the mornings; later, general body swelling may result, such as swelling of the legs
foamy appearance or excessive frothing of the urine (caused by the proteinura)
unintentional weight gain (from fluid accumulation)
anorexia (poor appetite)
nausea and vomiting
malaise (general ill feeling)
frequent hiccups
generalized itching
This is the general introduction about Diabetic Nephropathy symptoms. Hoping it is helpful for you.


What Symptoms You May Have with Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the serious complications of Diabetes and usually occurs after people suffers from Diabetes for 5 to 10 years. With the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy, patients always experience a group of abnormal symptoms and the followings are the symptoms that may occur in Diabetes.
Lose more protein in your urine (macroalbuminuria, also known as overt nephropathy).
Have higher blood pressure.
Have higher cholesterol and triglyceridelevels.
You may have symptoms if your nephropathy gets worse. These symptoms include:
Swelling (edema), first in the feet and legs and later throughout your body.
Poor appetite.
Weight loss.
Feeling tired or worn out.
Nausea or vomiting.
Trouble sleeping.
patients have different symptoms with Diabetic Nephropathy in different stages and also the more serious the kidney problem is, the  more serious these symptoms are. Therefore, if Diabetic Nephropathy patients want to remit these symptoms, they must get Diabetic Nephropathy controlled.

Here doctors offer free analysis about illness condition