
How Long Can I Live with Stage 3 CKD

Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)is the progressive loss of kidney function with 5 stages. For people with stage 3 CKD, they begin to experience various clinical symptoms and these symptoms like swelling, high blood pressure and blood urine. As CKD is a fatal disease, so many CKD stage 3 patients ask how long they can live with kidney problem.
How long can one live with kidney problem? I believe all the CKD patients are eager to know the answer, however, this question is too hard to answer. But I can clearly tell that life span of CKD stage 3 can be affected by following factors:
1. High blood pressure and high blood sugar
Both high blood pressure and high blood sugar increase renal burden, which may worsen kidney function. Also, both of them can damage kidney directly. Therefore, to live a longer time, control blood pressure and blood sugar into normal range is necessary.
2. Proteinuria
Proteinuria refers to the urine with excessive protein. Proteinuria is the dominant symptom of kidney problem, but it can be caused by many other conditions like urinary tract infection and drastic physical exercises. Therefore, not everyone with proteinuria is definitely suffering from kidney problem.
3. Cold and Infection
Cold and infection are the leading two risky factor for kidney disease. For people with CKD stage 3, they may suffer from kidney failure within several days just because of cold or infection. Therefore, avoiding cold and infection is extremely important for CKD stage 3 patients to prolong their life span.
4. Well-planed diet helps to prolong life span
Improper diet accelerate CKD and push patients into dialysis faster. Therefore, for people with CKD stage 3, it is very beneficial if they arrange a scientific diet.
Aside from life span, prognosis of CKD stage 3 also can be affected by above several factors. Therefore, if CKD stage 3 patients want to live a longer and better life in future, they need to control their symptoms effectively, have a well-plant diet and avoid cold and infection strictly.



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