
What Can Be Done to Keep Sodium Low in Dialysis Patients

Patients with dialysis should keep low sodium. Sodium is necessary for the physical functions. Sodium can help the body balance the fluids. However, too much sodium does harm to patients with dialysis. Here we we will make an introduction for you.
Effects of sodium on patients with dialysis.
The Kidneys of patients with dialysis cannot get excessive sodium and fluid out of the body. Then sodium and fluids will build up in the tissues and bloodstreams, which causes elevation of blood pressure and discomfort for the patients. High blood pressure is closely associated with kidney damage. High blood pressure can make more wastes and fluids build up in the body.
Apart from sodium, some other elements can affect patients with dialysis, such as: potassium, phosphorus, calcium,etc.
How to reduce sodium in patients with dialysis.
Patients with dialysis must have a low sodium diet, which is very beneficial for the treatment. Patients should consult the doctors and dietitians about the diet. And they can help the patients with dialysis eat how much sodium everyday and recommend to have some food low in sodium. When patients start to eat low salt food, they may be very unaccustomed and uncomfortable. However, if they continue for some weeks, patients will adapt this diet and can experience the good flavors of low salt. Besides, patients can ask the dietitian to make a food list that what should be eaten everyday. There is much food containing sodium, but it is not salty. Patients may regard it as no salt food. In this situation, the dietitian can tell you how to identify this kind of food and avoid sodium.

The patients with dialysis need to pay attention to intake of sodium, and low sodium is very important for the treatment. Finally, remember to follow a healthy and low sodium diet strictly.



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