
In end-stage CKD are vomiting and nausea in the morning

CKD (chronic kidney disease) terminal stage meant severe damage to the kidneys and then the kidneys are not functioning, and almost 85% of kidney function has been lost. In end-stage CKD vomiting and nausea occur easily. What should I do?
Firstly, why there are vomiting and nausea in the terminal stage of CKD?
Indeed morning nausea and vomiting caused by elevated levels of urea in blood. Healthy kidneys can clean urea and creatinine from ogranizma, and end-stage CKD when damaged kidneys can not clean the blood and so mchevina and other toxic substances accumulate in the blood and so raise urea.
With urease decomposes urea into ammonia which can stimulate gastrointestinal cycles and cause ulcers and inflammation. It is easy to occur vomiting and nausea. Urea in the blood especially in the morning is very high, and therefore usugyablyayutsya vomiting and nausea in the morning.

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Second, how to treat vomiting and nausea in the morning at the terminal stage of CKD?
Drinking more water helps reduce the level of creatinine and remove it from the blood, but if accompanied by swelling, it is necessary to strictly limit the use of the liquid.
In order to reduce the high urea, still need to limit potrebelenie protein from food, because urea is the end product of protein. It is better to choose high-quality protein, such as lean meat, fish, egg white, milk and other, these products provide sufficient protein and does not produce a lot of waste during metabolism.
Of course, the vazhnoe- treatment programs. For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Therapy for contamination of blood for blood purification therapy.

In short, osnovnoe- restore kidney. For more information, leave us a message below or email us at Andres: chinakidneytherapy@gmail.comи we are glad to help you.



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