The right diet can slow down the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease.PKD
is a chronic kidney disorder with different sizes of cysts in the kidney. PKD
affect kidney function by damaging kidney tissues, which can push PKD into
kidney failure step by step. Since a right diet can help to delay kidney
failure, it is necessary for us to change our diet if we are unfortunately
diagnosed with PKD.Well then, what foods should we avoid with PKD?
1. Reduce animal proteins. Limit animal products to occasional broths,
poultry, fish, low-fat cheese and egg whites, keeping quantities to 3 oz. per
day or less.Foods like fish and egg white contain high quality protein which can
meet the demand of our body and meanwhile produce less wastes. Therefore, it is
helpful for PKD patients to limit protein intake and at the same time ingest
some high quality protein.
2.Avoid excess amounts of salt, which causes your blood pressure to rise.
This includes products like processed foods, soups, chips and soy sauce.
3. Drink much more water. Water helps to flush out waste products and also
helps to avoid PKD complications like dehydration and kidney stones. In
addition, if you are a PKD patient, please remember to avoid caffeine as it can
cause dehydration. Caffeine is usually found in coffee, chocolate, black tea,
green tea, white tea, cola and even some decaf products.
4. If possible, please stay far away from alcohol. Although drinking less
alcohol causes no obvious influence on illness condition, it does not mean PKD
patients can drink alcohol casually.
5. PKD patients may also suffer from high phosphorus when PKD develops to advanced stage.Under such a condition, foods with high phosphorus like nuts and bacon should be avoided.
Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should adjust their diet on the basis of their illness condition. Therefore, the above is the general introduction about about PKD diet. If you want to know the exact recipe for you, please feel free to consult us or leaving message to us.