
Causes And Treatment For Enlarged Kidney

Enlarged Kidney refers to an abnormal condition in which kidney is larger than the normal size. Many diseases or conditions can cause enlarged kidney. Under such a condition, if it is left, more serious problem will be caused. Now, let's learn the causes and treatment for enlarged kidney.
Causes for enlarged kidney
Polycystic Kidney Disease: Polycystic kidney syndrome is a condition in which multiple cysts grow within the kidneys. The water-filled cysts are typically benign or noncancerous growths that can vary in size. An enlarged kidney is generally a symptom of this syndrome, as the cysts will cause the kidneys to expand. Other common symptoms may include abdominal swelling, back pain, headache, frequent urination and high blood pressure. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to other serious health problems, such as stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

Glomerulonephritis: According to MayoClinic.com, glomerulonephritis is a form of kidney disease causing acute or chronic kidney inflammation. Glomeruli are a conglomeration of tiny filters in each kidney that connect to tubules, which collect fluid from the body. Together the glomeruli and tubules form a nephron, the main functional unit in each kidney. Filtering blood and returning nontoxic blood to the bloodstream as well as containing necessary proteins extracted from the filtration process are significant kidney functions. Bacteria and viral infections as well as immune diseases can hinder the glomeruli from completing the filtration and waste excretion required for the kidneys to work properly. Damage from these sources lead to kidney inflammation and acute or chronic kidney failure.

Hydronephrosis: When the ureters--tubes through which urine flows--are blocked, kidneys tend to swell. This condition is called hydronephrosis. If the urine isn't drained from the kidneys into the bladder, it accumulates and causes kidney enlargements. Hydronephrosis can range from mild to severe cases. A mild form of the disease doesn't manifest to a great extent; symptoms may include back pain, painful urination, cloudy urine and fever. If X-rays show severe abnormality in the ureters, surgery can fix the problem. For most cases of hydronephrosis, treatment is administered through antibiotics.
Treatment for enlarged kidney

Generally, kidney enlargement is a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder of the kidneys Most of the time, the enlarged kidney is treated by treating the underlying cause of this condition.

Consider surgery and Chinese medicine for either the removal of cysts if the kidney is large due to PKD (polycystic kidney disease).

Low-dose antibiotic that can be taken daily to treat urinary tract infections if patients suffer from enlarged kidney due to hydronephrosis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or Immunotherapy can be used to treat enlarged kidney caused by glomerulonephritis.



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