What are the kidney cyst rupture symptoms? Kidney cyst is a fluid collection in kidney and in some cases, it enlarge over time. Large kidney cyst ruptures easily and at that time, patients will experience a group of symptoms.
1. blood in urine: Frank blood in urine is an important warning signal of rupture of kidney
cyst. In a solitary kidney cyst, blood in urine may not be noticed. They are
generally filled with clear fluid. It can be detected on urine analysis. But
when the condition is severe and there are multiple cysts, a person can notice
red urine.For blood urine caused by rupture of kidney cyst, it usually lasts for several days and disappear gradually.
2. pain feeling in the lower back: Renal cysts can cause pain to an individual. Often the pain is a result of
the cysts being located externally on the kidney and becoming enlarged and
pressing against other structures in the body. The pressure generated by the
growing cysts can cause them to rupture. Ruptured kidney cysts can cause pain in
the back, sides, abdomen and hips. Another possible cause of pain is infection.
If the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no
longer contained and may spread to other areas of the body.
If you are a kidney cyst patient and suffer from the above two symptoms suddenly,you may need to consider if your kidney cyst is ruptured. When kidney cyst ruptures, treatment is urgently needed, as more serious illness condition like kidney infection, septicemia,peritonitis and acute kidney failure can be caused if left uncontrolled.
Any questions about kidney cyst rupture symptoms, please feel free to consult our consultant online. We will try our best to help anyone with kidney problem.