
Immune Tests Help IgA Nephropathy Patients Increase Treatment Effects

Obviously, treatment is the most important method to stop IgA Nephropathy from progressing to end stage renal failure. However IgA Nephropathy patients seldom receive satisfactory treatment effects. Why? Because they missed to do immune tests before receiving treatment.
Immune tests help IgA Nephropathy patients increase treatment effects greatly. We know IgA Nephropathy is diagnosed usually through Routine Blood Test, Routine Urine Test and tests for kidney functions. All these tests tell us IgA Nephropathy is formed and there are immune complexes in the kidney, but they fail to tell us what kind of immune complexes there are, exact location of immune complexes deposit as well as the exact dose of immune complexes. Without knowing these condition, doctors have to try every medicines to stop IgA Nephropathy, which actually delay the remedial treatment and when IgA Nephropathy develops to a more advanced stage, it is more hard to bring IgA Nephropathy under control.
Immune tests refers to several special tests often done in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital and they can help us know it clearly that what kind of immune complexes in IgA Nephropathy patient's body, where they located in and how many immune complexes there are in the kidneys. After founding out these questions, doctors prescribe medicines focusing on removing this medicines. In this way, immune complexes can be cleared away effectively and immediately. Consequently, treatment effects are more visible.
It is vital to receive treatment to stop IgA Nephropathy while we are diagnosed with this disease, but before doing that, please make sure you have done immune tests; otherwise, your treatment effects maybe not as better as you imagined before.



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