
Treatment for Pruritus in Renal Failure

Pruritus, also can be called itch, occurs easily in renal failure patients because of a great deal of toxic substances in blood. Pruritus refers to a sensation that urge people to scratch and it is bothersome. So, treatment should be applied to help renal failure patients reduce sufferings. Well, what is the treatment for pruritus in renal failure?
Treatment for pruritus should has ability of removing or at least alleviating this symptom. So to achieve this purpose, we must find out how renal failure causes pruritus.
Renal failure is a medical condition, during which, kidneys cannot regulate excessive electrolytes, can not display secretion function and also fail to excretes various toxins or toxic substances produced during our metabolism. Due to impaired kidney function, more and more toxins pile up in the blood and stimulate our skin, which can cause pruritus symptom. In this light, treatment for pruritus in renal failure must be able to clear these toxins away from patient's blood.
Treatment for pruritus in renal fialure.
1.Antipruritic medicines or fluids
This treatment is effective for stopping pruritus for a moment, but once patients stop taking medicines, this symptom will reappear, because it fails to clear toxins away from blood.
2.Blood purification technics like dialysis, plasma exchange and immunoadsorption.
Clearing toxic substances away from blood help to alleviate pruritus effectively, but it far from enough to remove pruritus symptom forever. Because of kidney failure, more and more toxins pile up in the blood, so if renal failure patients choose this treatment, they need to do blood purification repeatedly.
3. Immunotherapy
To be honest, Immunotherapy does not focus on treating pruritus, but repairing kidney damages. Even though, compared with the above two treatments, it is the best one. We know it is normal for our body to produce some toxins or toxic substances. In normal cases, these harmful substances can be excreted by our kidneys. However, because of renal failure, these toxins can not be discharged timely, which finally leading to the occurrence of pruritus. Therefore, repairing kidney damages and increasing kidney function is the best solution for removing pruritus in renal failure.
In medical field, many treatments can be applied to stop prurutis caused by renal failure, but while we choose treatment, we need to choose the one which can help us solve problem from the root, instead of the one which just focuses on treating the surface symptom.



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