
Once you start dialysis, can you stop

Dialysis is one of the most important methods for the end stage renal disease (ESRD)patients to keep alive, however, some patients always ask the question of whether the dialysis can be stopped or not. While, because dialysis can cause multiple side effects, it not only harms the patient's body, but also costs a lot of money, so some patients want to give up the treatment. So once you start dialysis, can you stop?
Why the patients need dialysis
People suffer from uremia is due to the loss of renal function, and the kidney can not discharge the metabolic wastes and water. In that case, under such a condition, only with the external forces will the kidney excrete urine toxins and water, so as to alleviate the symptoms of uremia. And this process is accomplished by dialysis.
Can you stop dialysis
Whether the dialysis can stop or not is depended on the patient's body condition. Hemodialysis is commonly known as artificial kidney, but it only replaces the non-functional kidney, ensures the operation of human metabolism. It does not have the efficacy of rehabilitate the kidney. For the end stage of the uremia patients, their renal function can only be replaced by hemodialysis.
What should the patients do
Actually, uremia is the end-stage of all types of kidney disease, there are still some residual renal function cells survive in the patient’s kidney. However, no matter what treatment we take, we should treat radical disease to simply curing the symptoms, so as to rescue the remaining renal cells.
Only by repairing the damaged renal function cells, can the glomerular filtration rate increase, so as to enhance the kidney’s function of detoxification. It’s important to eliminate the patient’s abnormalities of high serum creatinine, hypotension, edema and poor appetite radically, and reach the goal of curing uremia. Cure



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