
Increase Glomerular Filtration Rate with Natural Remedy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural remedy that can increase glomerular filtration rate. Glomerular Filtration Rate can be shorted as GFR and it is the dominant index indicating how well the kidney function is. Normal range of GFR is between 100 to 130. With kidney problem, glomerular filtration rate decreases gradually and when it is lower than 20, they need to prepare for dialysis or kidney transplant. So, increasing glomerular filtration rate is the only method of avoiding dialysis and kidney transplant.
Glomerular filtration rate refers to volume of fluid that filtered from the renal glomerular capillaries into the Bowman's capsule per unit time. When renal glomerular capillaries are damaged or when blood supply is not enough, volume of fluid that filtered decreases and GFR decreases at the same. Besides, kidney disease patients get anemia easily. Without enough blood supply, renal ischemia and renal anoxia will occur, which can contribute to the decrease of glomerular filtration rate as well.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy increases glomerular filtration rate through repairing damaged renal glomerular capillaries as well as increasing blood supply in kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has function to extend blood vessels. We know our blood flow into kidneys through blood vessels, so when these healthy blood vessels toward kidneys are extended, bloodstream into kidneys increase and also GFR increases naturally.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has many function and aside from extending blood vessels, it can also increase blood flow in kidney be means of repairing damaged renal functional cells which are the major component of renal glomerular capillaries. When renal functional cells are damaged, they stop working. But fortunately, with effective ingredients in micro-Chinese medicines, these cells can be activated to work again. In this way, many damaged renal glomerular capillary can be repaired and bloodstream flowing into kidney can be increased at the same.
As long as much more blood flow into Bowman's capsule through renal glomerular capillaries per unit time, GFR increases.



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