What are the herbs to lower creatinine in blood? In this text, we will give an introduction about several herbs that can be used by kidney disease patients to lower their serum creatinine level. Hope it is helpful for you.
Before knowing the herbs to lower creatinine in blood, let's firstly learn how kidney disease cause elevation of serum creatinine.
How does kidney disease cause elevation of serum creatinine level?
Creatinine is a by-product of the filtration of the blood. This is a nitrous
acid is produced by the kidneys and is stored in muscle cells. The liver and the
pancreas aid the kidneys in the synthesis of creatinine. At any point in time,
our body has a healthy level of 120 grams of creatinine, of which, we expend
about 2 gm every day. The extra creatinine is filtered by the kidneys and
expelled from the body through the urine.
For one with kidney disease, his kidney tissues have been damaged serious and can not perform function any more. Under such a condition, excess creatinine can not be discharged out of the body. They build up in blood, leading to high serum creatinine level. This is the reason why serum creatinine keeps raising if kidney damages can not be repaired and kidney functions can not be improved effectively and timely.
What are the herbs to lower creatinine in blood?
Many herbs can be used to lower creatinine in blood and they works in different ways. The followings are the common herbs that can be adopted by kidney disease patients to lower serum creatinine level.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive
kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and
will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the
urinary waste at a faster rate.
Featured Remedy
Buchu is an herbal remedy that is commonly used in treating kidney disease
and various conditions of your urinary tract. Buchu, notes certified nutritional
consultant and nutrition researcher Phyllis A. Balch, author of "Prescription
for Nutritional Healing," has historically been used in controlling kidney
problems and may be helpful in treating water retention, cystitis and prostate
inflammation. This herb -- the leaves of the plant, specifically -- may be
particularly helpful in treating kidney disease when taken in tea form, notes
Balch. As long as kidney function gets improved, creatinine in blood gets reduced and serum creatinine level decreases.
Stinging Nettle Seed
Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has
been shown to lower these levels, as it has been reported that patients with stinging nettle seed show significant decrease in their serum creatinine level.
Aside from them, many other herbs like Siberian Ginseng, Cinnamon and Salvia also can be used to lower creatinine in blood. These herbs are helpful, but before taking them, please firstly talk with doctors about the possible side effects and proper dose.
How Do You Lower Your Creatinine Level
How do you lower your creatinine level? High creatinine level is abnormal and can be caused by many factors. For one with high creatinine level, before learning what to do to lower creatinine level, knowing the possible causes for high creatinine level is very necessary. Only when we take measures according to its cause, can elevated serum creatinine be lowered effectively and radically.
Causes for high creatinine level
Many conditions or factors can cause elevation of serum creatinine level like improper diet, sudden increase of drastic physical exercises, medicines, creatine supplements and kidney disease.
When one is detected to have high creatinine level, he needs to have further observation or tests to found out the root cause of it. Generally speaking,elevation of serum creatinine caused by improper diet or sudden increase of drastic physical exercises does not last for a long time and it can reduce to normal range 0.51.3mg/dL several days later. However, increase of creatinine level caused by kidney disease, improper usage of drugs and creatine supplements always lasts for a long time. Also, it may keep raising over time.
How do you lower your creatinine level?
With different causes, patients need to take different measures.
1. If serum creatinine level increases due to diet or drastic exercises, no worry or treatment is needed.
2. For people with high creatinine level caused by medicine, stopping taking the medicine is very essential. They can ask their doctors for an alternative medicine.
3. Reduce the intake of creatine supplement until you stop taking it if elevated creatinine level is associated with it.
4.Treat kidney disease actively if high creatinine level occurs due to impaired kidney function. Kidney disease is the most common cause of high creatinine level and usually the severer the illness condition is, the higher the serum creatinine level is. Also, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed when serum creatinine increases to 5. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used to treat kidney disease and it shows obvious effects in improving kidney function.
Causes for high creatinine level
Many conditions or factors can cause elevation of serum creatinine level like improper diet, sudden increase of drastic physical exercises, medicines, creatine supplements and kidney disease.
When one is detected to have high creatinine level, he needs to have further observation or tests to found out the root cause of it. Generally speaking,elevation of serum creatinine caused by improper diet or sudden increase of drastic physical exercises does not last for a long time and it can reduce to normal range 0.51.3mg/dL several days later. However, increase of creatinine level caused by kidney disease, improper usage of drugs and creatine supplements always lasts for a long time. Also, it may keep raising over time.
How do you lower your creatinine level?
With different causes, patients need to take different measures.
1. If serum creatinine level increases due to diet or drastic exercises, no worry or treatment is needed.
2. For people with high creatinine level caused by medicine, stopping taking the medicine is very essential. They can ask their doctors for an alternative medicine.
3. Reduce the intake of creatine supplement until you stop taking it if elevated creatinine level is associated with it.
4.Treat kidney disease actively if high creatinine level occurs due to impaired kidney function. Kidney disease is the most common cause of high creatinine level and usually the severer the illness condition is, the higher the serum creatinine level is. Also, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed when serum creatinine increases to 5. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used to treat kidney disease and it shows obvious effects in improving kidney function.
Causes And Treatment For Enlarged Kidney
Enlarged Kidney refers to an abnormal condition in which kidney is larger than the normal size. Many diseases or conditions can cause enlarged kidney. Under such a condition, if it is left, more serious problem will be caused. Now, let's learn the causes and treatment for enlarged kidney.
Causes for enlarged kidney
Polycystic Kidney Disease: Polycystic kidney syndrome is a condition in which multiple cysts grow within the kidneys. The water-filled cysts are typically benign or noncancerous growths that can vary in size. An enlarged kidney is generally a symptom of this syndrome, as the cysts will cause the kidneys to expand. Other common symptoms may include abdominal swelling, back pain, headache, frequent urination and high blood pressure. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to other serious health problems, such as stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.
Glomerulonephritis: According to MayoClinic.com, glomerulonephritis is a form of kidney disease causing acute or chronic kidney inflammation. Glomeruli are a conglomeration of tiny filters in each kidney that connect to tubules, which collect fluid from the body. Together the glomeruli and tubules form a nephron, the main functional unit in each kidney. Filtering blood and returning nontoxic blood to the bloodstream as well as containing necessary proteins extracted from the filtration process are significant kidney functions. Bacteria and viral infections as well as immune diseases can hinder the glomeruli from completing the filtration and waste excretion required for the kidneys to work properly. Damage from these sources lead to kidney inflammation and acute or chronic kidney failure.
Hydronephrosis: When the ureters--tubes through which urine flows--are blocked, kidneys tend to swell. This condition is called hydronephrosis. If the urine isn't drained from the kidneys into the bladder, it accumulates and causes kidney enlargements. Hydronephrosis can range from mild to severe cases. A mild form of the disease doesn't manifest to a great extent; symptoms may include back pain, painful urination, cloudy urine and fever. If X-rays show severe abnormality in the ureters, surgery can fix the problem. For most cases of hydronephrosis, treatment is administered through antibiotics.
Treatment for enlarged kidney
Generally, kidney enlargement is a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder of the kidneys Most of the time, the enlarged kidney is treated by treating the underlying cause of this condition.
Consider surgery and Chinese medicine for either the removal of cysts if the kidney is large due to PKD (polycystic kidney disease).
Low-dose antibiotic that can be taken daily to treat urinary tract infections if patients suffer from enlarged kidney due to hydronephrosis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or Immunotherapy can be used to treat enlarged kidney caused by glomerulonephritis.
Causes for enlarged kidney
Polycystic Kidney Disease: Polycystic kidney syndrome is a condition in which multiple cysts grow within the kidneys. The water-filled cysts are typically benign or noncancerous growths that can vary in size. An enlarged kidney is generally a symptom of this syndrome, as the cysts will cause the kidneys to expand. Other common symptoms may include abdominal swelling, back pain, headache, frequent urination and high blood pressure. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to other serious health problems, such as stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.
Glomerulonephritis: According to MayoClinic.com, glomerulonephritis is a form of kidney disease causing acute or chronic kidney inflammation. Glomeruli are a conglomeration of tiny filters in each kidney that connect to tubules, which collect fluid from the body. Together the glomeruli and tubules form a nephron, the main functional unit in each kidney. Filtering blood and returning nontoxic blood to the bloodstream as well as containing necessary proteins extracted from the filtration process are significant kidney functions. Bacteria and viral infections as well as immune diseases can hinder the glomeruli from completing the filtration and waste excretion required for the kidneys to work properly. Damage from these sources lead to kidney inflammation and acute or chronic kidney failure.
Hydronephrosis: When the ureters--tubes through which urine flows--are blocked, kidneys tend to swell. This condition is called hydronephrosis. If the urine isn't drained from the kidneys into the bladder, it accumulates and causes kidney enlargements. Hydronephrosis can range from mild to severe cases. A mild form of the disease doesn't manifest to a great extent; symptoms may include back pain, painful urination, cloudy urine and fever. If X-rays show severe abnormality in the ureters, surgery can fix the problem. For most cases of hydronephrosis, treatment is administered through antibiotics.
Treatment for enlarged kidney
Generally, kidney enlargement is a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder of the kidneys Most of the time, the enlarged kidney is treated by treating the underlying cause of this condition.
Consider surgery and Chinese medicine for either the removal of cysts if the kidney is large due to PKD (polycystic kidney disease).
Low-dose antibiotic that can be taken daily to treat urinary tract infections if patients suffer from enlarged kidney due to hydronephrosis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or Immunotherapy can be used to treat enlarged kidney caused by glomerulonephritis.
Kidney Cyst Rupture Symptoms
What are the kidney cyst rupture symptoms? Kidney cyst is a fluid collection in kidney and in some cases, it enlarge over time. Large kidney cyst ruptures easily and at that time, patients will experience a group of symptoms.
1. blood in urine: Frank blood in urine is an important warning signal of rupture of kidney cyst. In a solitary kidney cyst, blood in urine may not be noticed. They are generally filled with clear fluid. It can be detected on urine analysis. But when the condition is severe and there are multiple cysts, a person can notice red urine.For blood urine caused by rupture of kidney cyst, it usually lasts for several days and disappear gradually.
2. pain feeling in the lower back: Renal cysts can cause pain to an individual. Often the pain is a result of the cysts being located externally on the kidney and becoming enlarged and pressing against other structures in the body. The pressure generated by the growing cysts can cause them to rupture. Ruptured kidney cysts can cause pain in the back, sides, abdomen and hips. Another possible cause of pain is infection. If the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no longer contained and may spread to other areas of the body.
If you are a kidney cyst patient and suffer from the above two symptoms suddenly,you may need to consider if your kidney cyst is ruptured. When kidney cyst ruptures, treatment is urgently needed, as more serious illness condition like kidney infection, septicemia,peritonitis and acute kidney failure can be caused if left uncontrolled.
Any questions about kidney cyst rupture symptoms, please feel free to consult our consultant online. We will try our best to help anyone with kidney problem.
1. blood in urine: Frank blood in urine is an important warning signal of rupture of kidney cyst. In a solitary kidney cyst, blood in urine may not be noticed. They are generally filled with clear fluid. It can be detected on urine analysis. But when the condition is severe and there are multiple cysts, a person can notice red urine.For blood urine caused by rupture of kidney cyst, it usually lasts for several days and disappear gradually.
2. pain feeling in the lower back: Renal cysts can cause pain to an individual. Often the pain is a result of the cysts being located externally on the kidney and becoming enlarged and pressing against other structures in the body. The pressure generated by the growing cysts can cause them to rupture. Ruptured kidney cysts can cause pain in the back, sides, abdomen and hips. Another possible cause of pain is infection. If the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no longer contained and may spread to other areas of the body.
If you are a kidney cyst patient and suffer from the above two symptoms suddenly,you may need to consider if your kidney cyst is ruptured. When kidney cyst ruptures, treatment is urgently needed, as more serious illness condition like kidney infection, septicemia,peritonitis and acute kidney failure can be caused if left uncontrolled.
Any questions about kidney cyst rupture symptoms, please feel free to consult our consultant online. We will try our best to help anyone with kidney problem.
What Does Foamy Urine Mean
What does foamy urine mean? Foamy urine refers to a condition in which there are lots of small foams in urine and also these foams do not disappear within a certain time. Foamy urine is an abnormal condition and it can help to reflect our health condition to some extent.
What does foamy urine mean?
Most of the time, foamy urine means there are excess protein in urine and it is clinically called proteinuria. Many conditions like kidney problem, urinary tract infection and kidney infection can cause foamy urine (proteinuria). Here we will give an introduction about how kidney problem cause foamy urine.
As you may already know, the kidneys are two organs located in yothe back,
below the rib cage that act as filtering devices to eliminate waste materials
from the body. The job of the kidneys is to eliminate waste products that could
be harmful if allowed to build up. When the blood is filtered by the kidneys,
usually proteins are reabsorbed and re-enter the blood stream with minimal
amounts ending up in the urine. In certain conditions where the kidneys aren't
functioning properly protein enters the urine, causing proteinuria. Usually, the severer the illness condition, the more foams in urine.
Treatment of Proteinuria
Proteinuria or foamy urine is just a clinical manifestation, not a specific disease. So its treatment depends on identifying and managing its underlying cause. If that cause is kidney disease, appropriate medical management is essential.
Untreated chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.
In mild or temporary foamy urine, no treatment may be necessary.
Drugs are sometimes prescribed, especially in people with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. These may come from two classes of drugs:
ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers)
Proper treatment -- especially in patients with chronic disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- is essential to prevent the progressive kidney damage that is causing the foamy urine.As for the treatment for kidney damages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. It is a combination of several Chinese herbs which can help to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, foams in urine are reduced effectively.
Treatment of Proteinuria
Proteinuria or foamy urine is just a clinical manifestation, not a specific disease. So its treatment depends on identifying and managing its underlying cause. If that cause is kidney disease, appropriate medical management is essential.
Untreated chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.
In mild or temporary foamy urine, no treatment may be necessary.
Drugs are sometimes prescribed, especially in people with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. These may come from two classes of drugs:
ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers)
Proper treatment -- especially in patients with chronic disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- is essential to prevent the progressive kidney damage that is causing the foamy urine.As for the treatment for kidney damages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. It is a combination of several Chinese herbs which can help to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, foams in urine are reduced effectively.
Definition, Symptoms And Treatment For Renal Parenchyma Disease
Renal parenchymal disease is common in our daily life and many people are diagnosed with it without any awareness. What is renal parenchymal disease on earthe? What are the symptoms and treatments?
Definition of renal parenchymal disease
Renal parenchymal disease includes maladies that damage the outermost internal region of the kidney where filtration and urine formation occur.Many conditions or illnesses lie autoimmune disorders, Lupus, bacterial infections, diabetes and high blood pressure, along with kidney stones can traumatize delicate tissue, causing scarring and possibly leading to eventual kidney failure. Managing systemic disease processes, however, may prevent kidney damage and failure from occurring.
Symptoms of renal parenchymal diease
Symptoms of renal parenchymal disease include Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, sleepiness, itching, twitching, and a metallic taste in the mouth, blood in the urine, abnormal blood tests, high blood pressure, swelling in the feet and lower legs, arms, or face, and dizziness and so on.
Treatment for renal parenchymal disease
Treatment for parenchymal kidney disease contain many aspects like removing excess salt, water and harmful substances from the bloodstream, restricting intake of salt, potassium, and protein, treating high blood pressure, managing diabetes, and taking erythropoietin ("epo"), a hormone that helps bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells.
Many oral medications can help to achieve these purpose, but if they are taking for a long time, side effects will be caused. Therefore, more and more patients with renal parenchymal disease put their hope on herbs. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a combination of several Chinese herbs and can help to improve kidney function. It has been applied by more than 50 countries. So far it is the most effective and natural treatment for renal parenchymal disease.
Natural Treatment For Hypertensive Kidney Disease
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment for Hypertensive Kidney Disease which is clinically called Hypertensive Nephropathy. Hypertensive kidney disease is a kidney problem caused by long-term and persistent high blood pressure. It causes frequent urination at night at the beginning. With progression of illness condition, kidney condition becomes poorer and poorer. In that cases, various symptoms like proteinuria, fatigue, anemia, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting will occur. We call Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy a natural treatment for hypertensive kidney disease, as it can help to improve kidney condition without causing side effects. Now, let's learn how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat hypertensive kidney disease.
1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats hypertensive kidney disease through performing a series of functions like extending blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation. With these benefits, blood pressure can be lowered effectively, which is very beneficial for protecting healthy kidney tissues from being affected.
2. Repair injured kidney tissues.
Effective ingredients in micro-Chinese medicines can repair injured kidney intrinsic cells. Many people have the conception that kidney can not be repaired once being damaged. Actually, injured kidney intrinsic cells can be repaired effectively, as they have certain self-repairing ability.
3. Offer kidney with necessary nutrition
Micro-Chinese medicine is composed of several Chinese herbs which can offer injured kidney tissues necessary nutrition. This is also very helpful for the recovery of kidney cells which are injured mildly.
It is very hard to explain Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy with several words.If you happen to be a Hypertensive kidney disease patient and are interested in this natural treatment, you can see this video about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
How Long Can I Live If I Stop Dialysis
How long can I live if I stop dialysis? This is a question posted by a 83 years old man. Dialysis is life-saving, but torturous, so many kidney failure patients are reluctant to start dialysis until their life is really threaten seriously. For these elderly patients who are near to the end of their life, they may consider stopping dialysis. Well, how long can a patient live if he stops dialysis?
According to the clinical record, for one with completely kidney failure, he can only live as long as 1 to 4 weeks if he stops dialysis without improving his kidney condition.
kidney is an important organ with multiple functions. It helps to keep blood pressure in the normal range, excrete excess mineral and fluid, discharge wastes and secret hormone. It is so important that we can not live normally without healthy kidney.
For kidney failure patients, they need to do dialysis as there are high levels of toxins in their blood. These toxins circulate with blood and they may reach any part of our body. Therefore, for kidney failure patents, they may experience various discomforts. High levels of toxins in blood damage our heart easily and this is the reason why kidney failure patients are more likely to suffer heart problem than healthy people. Dialysis can help to remove these toxins away from blood, which helps patients lower their risk for heart failure.
For dialysis patients, once they stop dialysis, toxins will build up in blood quickly and threaten their life, so they should avoid stopping dialysis casually. Dialysis is torturous, patients can reduce their dialysis frequency by improving kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment that can help to improve kidney function. It is based on Chinese herbs, and cause no side effects during the whole treatment process.
Can Patients with CKD Eat Watermelon
Can patients with CKD eat watermelon? Watermelon is a common fruit in our daily life, especially in summer. It is very pleasant to eat watermelon when we feel extremely thirsty in a hot water, so many CKD patients are eager to know if they can eat watermelon with decreased kidney function.
Actually, whether a CKD patient can eat watermelon or not depends on the following two aspects:
1. Serum potassium level
Our kidneys keep serum potassium levels between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L. This narrow range is essential, because high level of potassium can cause irregular heartbeats. Healthy people need not to worry about high levels of potassium because excess potassium is promptly excreted by kidney. However, impaired kidneys are unable to perform this function effectively, so CKD patients are running high risk for elevated potassium level. When levels edge above 5.0 mEq/L, nephrologists usually recommend a potassium restriction diet. For these patients, more than 1 cup of watermelon can have life-threatening consequences.
2. Swelling
CKD is an illness that can involve many symptoms like high blood pressure, bubbly urine, fatigue, fluid retention, blood urine and so on. For CKD patients with fluid retention, they need to limit fluid intake, so as to avoid the deterioration of swelling. Under such a condition, avoid eating too much watermelon is very necessary.
As potassium intake is one thing that CKD patients need to pay attention to, it is helpful for them to avoid high potassium foods like watermelon, Apricots (fresh more so than canned), Avocado, Banana,Cantaloupe,Honeydew, Kiwi, Lima beans, Milk, Oranges and orange juice, Potatoes (can be reduced to moderate by soaking peeled, sliced potatoes overnight before cooking),Prunes,Spinach,Tomatoes,Vegetable juice and Winter squash and so on.
Actually, whether a CKD patient can eat watermelon or not depends on the following two aspects:
1. Serum potassium level
Our kidneys keep serum potassium levels between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L. This narrow range is essential, because high level of potassium can cause irregular heartbeats. Healthy people need not to worry about high levels of potassium because excess potassium is promptly excreted by kidney. However, impaired kidneys are unable to perform this function effectively, so CKD patients are running high risk for elevated potassium level. When levels edge above 5.0 mEq/L, nephrologists usually recommend a potassium restriction diet. For these patients, more than 1 cup of watermelon can have life-threatening consequences.
2. Swelling
CKD is an illness that can involve many symptoms like high blood pressure, bubbly urine, fatigue, fluid retention, blood urine and so on. For CKD patients with fluid retention, they need to limit fluid intake, so as to avoid the deterioration of swelling. Under such a condition, avoid eating too much watermelon is very necessary.
As potassium intake is one thing that CKD patients need to pay attention to, it is helpful for them to avoid high potassium foods like watermelon, Apricots (fresh more so than canned), Avocado, Banana,Cantaloupe,Honeydew, Kiwi, Lima beans, Milk, Oranges and orange juice, Potatoes (can be reduced to moderate by soaking peeled, sliced potatoes overnight before cooking),Prunes,Spinach,Tomatoes,Vegetable juice and Winter squash and so on.
Causes For High Serum Creatinine Level in Kidney Disease
Why do kidney disease patients have elevated serum creatinine level? Serum creatinine level refers to high level of creatinine in blood. Creatinine is the metabolic produce of meat, including muscles and meat we eat through our diet. Generally speaking, per 201gram of muscle metabolism can produce 1mg creatinine. For kidney disease patients, high serum creatinine is the common characteristic of them.
Normally, creatinine is filtered and discharged by glomerulus which is an important part of our kidney. There are tens and thousands of glomeruli in our kidney. In early stage of kidney disease, only a small group of glopmeruli are damaged, and under such a condition, excess creatinine can be discharged by other healthy glomeruli. This is the reason why early stage kidney problem causes no symptoms.However, if kidney problem left uncontrolled, more and more kidney tissues will be damaged gradually and when a half of glomeruli are damaed, excess creatinine build up in blood, leading to high serum creatinine level.
Normal serum creatinine level for male is 79.6-132.6umol/L, 70.7-106.1umol/L for female and 26.5-62.0umol/L for children. For kidney disease patients, elevated creatinine level not only means serious kidney damages, but also implies there is high levels of toxins in blood. Therefore, improving kidney function is very important for kidney disease patients with high level of creatinine to protect their other organs from being affected.
In clinic, many methods can be used to lower creatinine level.If you happen to be a kidney disease patient and want to learn the detailed information about how to lower creatinine level, you can email me or consult our consultant online directly.
Normally, creatinine is filtered and discharged by glomerulus which is an important part of our kidney. There are tens and thousands of glomeruli in our kidney. In early stage of kidney disease, only a small group of glopmeruli are damaged, and under such a condition, excess creatinine can be discharged by other healthy glomeruli. This is the reason why early stage kidney problem causes no symptoms.However, if kidney problem left uncontrolled, more and more kidney tissues will be damaged gradually and when a half of glomeruli are damaed, excess creatinine build up in blood, leading to high serum creatinine level.
Normal serum creatinine level for male is 79.6-132.6umol/L, 70.7-106.1umol/L for female and 26.5-62.0umol/L for children. For kidney disease patients, elevated creatinine level not only means serious kidney damages, but also implies there is high levels of toxins in blood. Therefore, improving kidney function is very important for kidney disease patients with high level of creatinine to protect their other organs from being affected.
In clinic, many methods can be used to lower creatinine level.If you happen to be a kidney disease patient and want to learn the detailed information about how to lower creatinine level, you can email me or consult our consultant online directly.
Different Treatment Methods For Uremia
How is uremia treated in clinic? Uremia is a severe stage of chronic kidney disease and may cause deadly complications like heart failure. Therefore, treating uremia actively is very important for patients to prolong their life span and increase life quality. However, what are the treatment methods for uremia in clinic?
Treatment methods for uremia go as follow:
1. Preventing and treating the primary disease, so as to prevent the further destruction to the renal parenchyma.
2.For patients with chronic renal failure,their kidneys work mainly through residual kidney tissues. At that time, any factors that can increase kidney burn can aggravate renal failure; therefore actively eliminating harmful factors that can deteriorate kidney condition is very necessary. Common aggravating factors include tight control of infection control and high blood pressure. Furthermore, in order to maintain a stable internal environment, correcting the water, electrolyte imbalance and acidosis is necessary.
3. Dialysis.For renal failure patients with uremia,effective measures should be taken to maintain a stable internal environment. Common measures are peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis (artificial kidney), etc. When necessary, kidney transplant can be applied to replace the failed kidneys.
4. Drugs. Chinese medicine and western medicine have their own strengths. For western medicine, it does not show very good effects in treating nephritis, uremia, renal failure, polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis, but they show quick effects in controlling symptoms. Western drugs such as hormone therapy, show limited effects and if used for a long time, side effects will be caused. What is worse, kidney disease relapses easily if treated with these medications. Compared with western medicines, Chinese medicine is more preferable, as it causes no side effects during the whole treatment process. What is more, it can help to prevent the relapse of illness condition and strengthen patients' immune system.
5. Kidney transplant. The survival rate is limited for people with kidney transplant. Additional, there maybe severe kidney rejection after the surgery.
The above are the several treatment methods for uremia. If there is anything unclear, please feel free to contact me.
Treatment methods for uremia go as follow:
1. Preventing and treating the primary disease, so as to prevent the further destruction to the renal parenchyma.
2.For patients with chronic renal failure,their kidneys work mainly through residual kidney tissues. At that time, any factors that can increase kidney burn can aggravate renal failure; therefore actively eliminating harmful factors that can deteriorate kidney condition is very necessary. Common aggravating factors include tight control of infection control and high blood pressure. Furthermore, in order to maintain a stable internal environment, correcting the water, electrolyte imbalance and acidosis is necessary.
3. Dialysis.For renal failure patients with uremia,effective measures should be taken to maintain a stable internal environment. Common measures are peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis (artificial kidney), etc. When necessary, kidney transplant can be applied to replace the failed kidneys.
4. Drugs. Chinese medicine and western medicine have their own strengths. For western medicine, it does not show very good effects in treating nephritis, uremia, renal failure, polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis, but they show quick effects in controlling symptoms. Western drugs such as hormone therapy, show limited effects and if used for a long time, side effects will be caused. What is worse, kidney disease relapses easily if treated with these medications. Compared with western medicines, Chinese medicine is more preferable, as it causes no side effects during the whole treatment process. What is more, it can help to prevent the relapse of illness condition and strengthen patients' immune system.
5. Kidney transplant. The survival rate is limited for people with kidney transplant. Additional, there maybe severe kidney rejection after the surgery.
The above are the several treatment methods for uremia. If there is anything unclear, please feel free to contact me.
Common Treatment Methods For Kidney Disease
What are the common treatment methods for kidney disease? Here we will give an introduce about every tratment method for kidney problem.
1. Hormone Therapy
Commonly prednisone, according to the type of disease, patients on prednisone reactions, respectively eight weeks short course of 4-6 months of treatment and 9 to 12 month long course. Short course for the initial treatment of simple nephrotic syndrome, in a long course of treatment for complex, multi-recurrence simple nephrotic syndrome or nephritis nephropathy.
Efficacy judgments: ① hormone-sensitive: Hormone therapy after 8 weeks of urine protein was negative, edema. ② hormone-sensitive parts: the treatment of edema 8 weeks, but urinary protein still ten ~ ten ten, ③ the treatment of steroid-resistant full eight weeks, proteinuria was still ten ten or more; ④ hormone-dependent: Hormone therapy urine protein was negative However, after withdrawal or reduction "+" appears above the amount of medication again or restore urine protein was negative after two or more (except for infections and other factors). These changes mean urinary distributed in 7 to 10 days three times a urine test results.
2. Immunosuppressive agents
Side effects of hormone therapy ineffective or too large cases can be used in combination immunosuppressive therapy, commonly used with vincristine, TWP, cyclic amines, sulfur birds glanced Yin; ring full amphotericin A and so on.
3. Diuretics
Generally sensitive to hormone therapy cases, medication may be 7 to 10 days after the diuretic, without the use of diuretics. Severe edema can be used diuretics, furosemide is usually used (furosemide) intravenous administration, preferably lost the first dextran can often produce good diuretic effect.
4. Side effects of steroids:
1. weight gain;
2,osteoporosis and osteonecrosis;
3, the body's defenses are weakened, elevated blood glucose, corticosteroids syndrome, gastrointestinal ulcers, electrolyte imbalance and so on.
Hormones and immunosuppressive agents have a certain impact on patient's sexual function. Long-term taking of high doses of prednisone and other corticosteroids will aggravate the severity of sexual function disorders. Almost all immune agents can make testicular atrophy, ovarian damage, leading to spermatogenesis decreased or disappeared, disappeared libido, impotence.
5.Chinese medicine show good effects on kidney disease and the treatment effect is stable, satisfactory and meanwhile it causes no side effects.
Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own characteristics. When western medicine treat a variety nephritis, nephrotic syndrome (syndrome), renal failure, nephrotic uremia,it only suppress the symptoms not the illness. Western drugs such as hormone therapy can cause many side effects , and also the cost is not low. What is worsen, illness condition relapses easily.Besides, when illness progresses to end stage kidney failure, dialysis or kidney transplant will be the last chance. Dialysis is torturous. Although kidney transplant is helpful to some extent, it is not an ideal method, as it is hard to find a matched kidney.
Anything unclear about treatments for kidney disease, please feel free to consult our consultant online or leave message to phoebe871124@gmail.com directly.
1. Hormone Therapy
Commonly prednisone, according to the type of disease, patients on prednisone reactions, respectively eight weeks short course of 4-6 months of treatment and 9 to 12 month long course. Short course for the initial treatment of simple nephrotic syndrome, in a long course of treatment for complex, multi-recurrence simple nephrotic syndrome or nephritis nephropathy.
Efficacy judgments: ① hormone-sensitive: Hormone therapy after 8 weeks of urine protein was negative, edema. ② hormone-sensitive parts: the treatment of edema 8 weeks, but urinary protein still ten ~ ten ten, ③ the treatment of steroid-resistant full eight weeks, proteinuria was still ten ten or more; ④ hormone-dependent: Hormone therapy urine protein was negative However, after withdrawal or reduction "+" appears above the amount of medication again or restore urine protein was negative after two or more (except for infections and other factors). These changes mean urinary distributed in 7 to 10 days three times a urine test results.
2. Immunosuppressive agents
Side effects of hormone therapy ineffective or too large cases can be used in combination immunosuppressive therapy, commonly used with vincristine, TWP, cyclic amines, sulfur birds glanced Yin; ring full amphotericin A and so on.
3. Diuretics
Generally sensitive to hormone therapy cases, medication may be 7 to 10 days after the diuretic, without the use of diuretics. Severe edema can be used diuretics, furosemide is usually used (furosemide) intravenous administration, preferably lost the first dextran can often produce good diuretic effect.
4. Side effects of steroids:
1. weight gain;
2,osteoporosis and osteonecrosis;
3, the body's defenses are weakened, elevated blood glucose, corticosteroids syndrome, gastrointestinal ulcers, electrolyte imbalance and so on.
Hormones and immunosuppressive agents have a certain impact on patient's sexual function. Long-term taking of high doses of prednisone and other corticosteroids will aggravate the severity of sexual function disorders. Almost all immune agents can make testicular atrophy, ovarian damage, leading to spermatogenesis decreased or disappeared, disappeared libido, impotence.
5.Chinese medicine show good effects on kidney disease and the treatment effect is stable, satisfactory and meanwhile it causes no side effects.
Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own characteristics. When western medicine treat a variety nephritis, nephrotic syndrome (syndrome), renal failure, nephrotic uremia,it only suppress the symptoms not the illness. Western drugs such as hormone therapy can cause many side effects , and also the cost is not low. What is worsen, illness condition relapses easily.Besides, when illness progresses to end stage kidney failure, dialysis or kidney transplant will be the last chance. Dialysis is torturous. Although kidney transplant is helpful to some extent, it is not an ideal method, as it is hard to find a matched kidney.
Anything unclear about treatments for kidney disease, please feel free to consult our consultant online or leave message to phoebe871124@gmail.com directly.
Common Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure
What are the common symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure? Kidney disease is
life-threatening, especially when it runs to end stage. With Chronic Kidney
Failure, we may experience various discomforts which not only make us unable in
enjoying the rest of our life, but also worsen our kidney condition seriously.
Well, what are the common symptoms of chronic kidney failure on earth? Read on
to find the answer.
Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney disease, is a slow progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years.As kidney failure advances and the organ's function is seriously impaired, dangerous levels of waste and fluid can rapidly build up in the body.These wastes may damage any part of our organ and cause various symptoms. The followings are the common symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure.
Urine changes:
increased urination, especially at night
decreased urination and even no urine output
blood in the urine (not a common symptom of chronic renal failure)
urine that is cloudy or tea-coloured
bubbly urine
Gastrointestinal symptoms:
nausea and vomiting (this is a common symptom)
loss of appetite
bad taste in the mouth or bad breath
vomiting blood
Respiratory symptoms:
shortness of breath
deep breath
breath with difficulties
Skin symptoms:
dry skin
darken skin
itchy skin
Nerve problems:
muscle cramp
mental confusion
Bone symptoms:
bone pain
bone fracture
other symptoms:
high blood pressure
irregularly heartbeat
fatigue, swelling
frequent infection
pale look
The above are the common symptoms of chronic kidney failure. Aside from them, some patients may suffer from some other uncommon discomforts. If you are a kidney failure patient and is bothering by an abnormal condition, please feel free to leave your illness condition here and we will help to fight out if this symptom is related with your kidney problem and then offer you some practical suggestions.
Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney disease, is a slow progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years.As kidney failure advances and the organ's function is seriously impaired, dangerous levels of waste and fluid can rapidly build up in the body.These wastes may damage any part of our organ and cause various symptoms. The followings are the common symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure.
Urine changes:
increased urination, especially at night
decreased urination and even no urine output
blood in the urine (not a common symptom of chronic renal failure)
urine that is cloudy or tea-coloured
bubbly urine
Gastrointestinal symptoms:
nausea and vomiting (this is a common symptom)
loss of appetite
bad taste in the mouth or bad breath
vomiting blood
Respiratory symptoms:
shortness of breath
deep breath
breath with difficulties
Skin symptoms:
dry skin
darken skin
itchy skin
Nerve problems:
muscle cramp
mental confusion
Bone symptoms:
bone pain
bone fracture
other symptoms:
high blood pressure
irregularly heartbeat
fatigue, swelling
frequent infection
pale look
The above are the common symptoms of chronic kidney failure. Aside from them, some patients may suffer from some other uncommon discomforts. If you are a kidney failure patient and is bothering by an abnormal condition, please feel free to leave your illness condition here and we will help to fight out if this symptom is related with your kidney problem and then offer you some practical suggestions.
What Herbs Are Good For Kidney Failure
Western medicines play an irreplaceable role in treating kidney failure. They show quick treatment effects and bring all the symptoms under control effectively. However, long-term application of some medications for kidney failure will cause terrible side effects. Because of this, many kidney failure patients put their hope on Chinese herbs. So are there any Chinese herbs that are good for kidney failure?
Here we will introduce several herbs that do good for kidney failure patients. Hope it is helpful for you:
Gokharu (Tribulus terrestris)
Gokshura in Ayurveda traditionally has been used for kidney failure from any reason, Urinary disorder, renal calculi, hypertension, diabetes and to improve libido. It can also improve Vitality and Vigour. Gokhru can increase the number and motility of spermatozoa, and also helps to remove some symptoms related to male menopause. Gokhru can reduce high blood pressure. And also reduce sodium and fluid retention.
Cranberry juic
Cranberry juice is a well-known home remedy for bladder infections. However, the juice and the fruit also help to maintain kidney health. Rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, it helps the overall vitality of the urinary tract and works as a powerful disinfectant. Cranberry includes ingredients that efficiently flush out harmful bacteria. It's most effective when used as an extract or unsweetened juice, according to author Andrew Chevallier.
Astragalus is an herb that may be beneficial for treating kidney failure. The University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC, states that astragalus, also known as Astragalus membranaceus, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to strengthen your body against disease. Astragalus, notes the UMMC, is an adaptogen, which means that it helps protect your body against physical, mental and emotional stress. Astragalus has a sweet, moist taste. The root of the plant is used medicinally. According to Tilgner, astragalus is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hypotensive that protects your kidney function. The two principle pharmacologically-active constituent groups in astragalus are polysaccharides and saponins. Before taking astragalus to help treat your kidney failure, talk with your doctor about possible side effects and proper dosage.
Aside from them. there are many herbs that can be used to treat kidney failure. They show good effects, but if used improperly, they will cause lots of unnecessary problems. From this point of view, it is of great importance to talk with doctors about the possible side effects and dose before taking them.
Here we will introduce several herbs that do good for kidney failure patients. Hope it is helpful for you:
Gokharu (Tribulus terrestris)
Gokshura in Ayurveda traditionally has been used for kidney failure from any reason, Urinary disorder, renal calculi, hypertension, diabetes and to improve libido. It can also improve Vitality and Vigour. Gokhru can increase the number and motility of spermatozoa, and also helps to remove some symptoms related to male menopause. Gokhru can reduce high blood pressure. And also reduce sodium and fluid retention.
Cranberry juic
Cranberry juice is a well-known home remedy for bladder infections. However, the juice and the fruit also help to maintain kidney health. Rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, it helps the overall vitality of the urinary tract and works as a powerful disinfectant. Cranberry includes ingredients that efficiently flush out harmful bacteria. It's most effective when used as an extract or unsweetened juice, according to author Andrew Chevallier.
Astragalus is an herb that may be beneficial for treating kidney failure. The University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC, states that astragalus, also known as Astragalus membranaceus, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to strengthen your body against disease. Astragalus, notes the UMMC, is an adaptogen, which means that it helps protect your body against physical, mental and emotional stress. Astragalus has a sweet, moist taste. The root of the plant is used medicinally. According to Tilgner, astragalus is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hypotensive that protects your kidney function. The two principle pharmacologically-active constituent groups in astragalus are polysaccharides and saponins. Before taking astragalus to help treat your kidney failure, talk with your doctor about possible side effects and proper dosage.
Aside from them. there are many herbs that can be used to treat kidney failure. They show good effects, but if used improperly, they will cause lots of unnecessary problems. From this point of view, it is of great importance to talk with doctors about the possible side effects and dose before taking them.
High Blood Pressure And Kidney Failure
High blood pressure is common in our daily life, especially among people with
kidney failure. Well then, why high blood pressure and kidney disease always go
hand in hand? What is the relationship between them? Read on to learn about
kidney disease and high blood pressure
High blood pressure can be a cause of kidney disease
The kidneys play a key role in keeping a person's blood pressure in a healthy range, and blood pressure, in turn, can affect the health of the kidneys. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can damage the kidneys and lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD).Now, let's learn how elevated blood pressure damage kidney.
Kidney is an important organ and works for our body as a filter. In normal condition, blood flows into kidney through blood vessels. Long-term high impact on blood vessels damage vascular wall and allow protein leak out. Protein get out of our body with urine and form proteinuria which is a dominant symptom of kidney failure. Therefore, bringing blood pressure into normal range is a key point to prevent kidney problem for patients with hypertension.
Kidney failure can cause high blood pressure
Kidney failure elevates blood pressure in many ways. In early stage of kidney failure, there is no obvious discomforts, so early stage kidney disease is hard to be found. With the progression of kidney failure, high blood pressure occurs. Elevated blood pressure is usually the root cause for patients to go hospital for examination. And finally through a series tests, kidney failure is diagnosed. Although high blood pressure is a clinical manifestation of kidney failure, it accelerates illness progression and worsen physical condition. Therefore, having a tight control about blood pressure is also very important for kidney failure patients.
High blood pressure can be a cause of kidney disease
The kidneys play a key role in keeping a person's blood pressure in a healthy range, and blood pressure, in turn, can affect the health of the kidneys. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can damage the kidneys and lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD).Now, let's learn how elevated blood pressure damage kidney.
Kidney is an important organ and works for our body as a filter. In normal condition, blood flows into kidney through blood vessels. Long-term high impact on blood vessels damage vascular wall and allow protein leak out. Protein get out of our body with urine and form proteinuria which is a dominant symptom of kidney failure. Therefore, bringing blood pressure into normal range is a key point to prevent kidney problem for patients with hypertension.
Kidney failure can cause high blood pressure
Kidney failure elevates blood pressure in many ways. In early stage of kidney failure, there is no obvious discomforts, so early stage kidney disease is hard to be found. With the progression of kidney failure, high blood pressure occurs. Elevated blood pressure is usually the root cause for patients to go hospital for examination. And finally through a series tests, kidney failure is diagnosed. Although high blood pressure is a clinical manifestation of kidney failure, it accelerates illness progression and worsen physical condition. Therefore, having a tight control about blood pressure is also very important for kidney failure patients.
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