
What Does Foamy Urine Mean

What does foamy urine mean? Foamy urine refers to a condition in which there are lots of small foams in urine and also these foams do not disappear within a certain time. Foamy urine is an abnormal condition and it can help to reflect our health condition to some extent. 
What does foamy urine mean?
Most of the time, foamy urine means there are excess protein in urine and it is clinically called proteinuria. Many conditions like kidney problem, urinary tract infection and kidney infection can cause foamy urine (proteinuria). Here we will give an introduction about how kidney problem cause foamy urine. 
As you may already know, the kidneys are two organs located in yothe back, below the rib cage that act as filtering devices to eliminate waste materials from the body. The job of the kidneys is to eliminate waste products that could be harmful if allowed to build up. When the blood is filtered by the kidneys, usually proteins are reabsorbed and re-enter the blood stream with minimal amounts ending up in the urine. In certain conditions where the kidneys aren't functioning properly protein enters the urine, causing proteinuria. Usually, the severer the illness condition, the more foams in urine.

Treatment of Proteinuria
Proteinuria or foamy urine is just a clinical manifestation, not a specific disease. So its treatment depends on identifying and managing its underlying cause. If that cause is kidney disease, appropriate medical management is essential.
Untreated chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.
In mild or temporary foamy urine, no treatment may be necessary.
Drugs are sometimes prescribed, especially in people with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. These may come from two classes of drugs:
ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers)
Proper treatment -- especially in patients with chronic disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- is essential to prevent the progressive kidney damage that is causing the foamy urine.As for the treatment for kidney damages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. It is a combination of several Chinese herbs which can help to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, foams in urine are reduced effectively.



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