
Herbs To Lower Creatinine In Blood

What are the herbs to lower creatinine in blood? In this text, we will give an introduction about several herbs that can be used by kidney disease patients to lower their serum creatinine level. Hope it is helpful for you.
Before knowing the herbs to lower creatinine in blood, let's firstly learn how kidney disease cause elevation of serum creatinine.
How does kidney disease cause elevation of serum creatinine level?

Creatinine is a by-product of the filtration of the blood. This is a nitrous acid is produced by the kidneys and is stored in muscle cells. The liver and the pancreas aid the kidneys in the synthesis of creatinine. At any point in time, our body has a healthy level of 120 grams of creatinine, of which, we expend about 2 gm every day. The extra creatinine is filtered by the kidneys and expelled from the body through the urine.
For one with kidney disease, his kidney tissues have been damaged serious and can not perform function any more. Under such a condition, excess creatinine can not be discharged out of the body. They build up in blood, leading to high serum creatinine level. This is the reason why serum creatinine keeps raising if kidney damages can not be repaired and kidney functions can not be improved effectively and timely.

What are the herbs to lower creatinine in blood?
Many herbs can be used to lower creatinine in blood and they works in different ways. The followings are the common herbs that can be adopted by kidney disease patients to lower serum creatinine level.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.

Featured Remedy
Buchu is an herbal remedy that is commonly used in treating kidney disease and various conditions of your urinary tract. Buchu, notes certified nutritional consultant and nutrition researcher Phyllis A. Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," has historically been used in controlling kidney problems and may be helpful in treating water retention, cystitis and prostate inflammation. This herb -- the leaves of the plant, specifically -- may be particularly helpful in treating kidney disease when taken in tea form, notes Balch. As long as kidney function gets improved, creatinine in blood gets reduced and serum creatinine level decreases.

Stinging Nettle Seed

Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has been shown to lower these levels, as it has been reported that patients with stinging nettle seed show significant decrease in their serum creatinine level.
Aside from them, many other herbs like Siberian Ginseng, Cinnamon and Salvia also can be used to lower creatinine in blood. These herbs are helpful, but before taking them, please firstly talk with doctors about the possible side effects and proper dose.



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