
Definition, Symptoms And Treatment For Renal Parenchyma Disease

Renal parenchymal disease is common in our daily life and many people are diagnosed with it without any awareness. What is renal parenchymal disease on earthe? What are the symptoms and treatments?
Definition of renal parenchymal disease
Renal parenchymal disease includes maladies that damage the outermost internal region of the kidney where filtration and urine formation occur.Many conditions or illnesses lie autoimmune disorders, Lupus, bacterial infections, diabetes and high blood pressure, along with kidney stones can traumatize delicate tissue, causing scarring and possibly leading to eventual kidney failure. Managing systemic disease processes, however, may prevent kidney damage and failure from occurring.
Symptoms of renal parenchymal diease

Symptoms of renal parenchymal disease include Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, sleepiness, itching, twitching, and a metallic taste in the mouth, blood in the urine, abnormal blood tests, high blood pressure, swelling in the feet and lower legs, arms, or face, and dizziness and so on.

Treatment for renal parenchymal disease

Treatment for parenchymal kidney disease contain many aspects like removing excess salt, water and harmful substances from the bloodstream, restricting intake of salt, potassium, and protein, treating high blood pressure, managing diabetes, and taking erythropoietin ("epo"), a hormone that helps bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells.
Many oral medications can help to achieve these purpose, but if they are taking for a long time, side effects will be caused. Therefore, more and more patients with renal parenchymal disease put their hope on herbs. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a combination of several Chinese herbs and can help to improve kidney function. It has been applied by more than 50 countries. So far it is the most effective and natural treatment for renal parenchymal disease.



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