
How to Reduce Protein in Urine with Kidney Disease

Many people believe that if there is no pain in the body, there is no disease at all. They nearly ignore the existence of diseases. It is extremely dangerous, because the kidney has lesions already. If kidney disease is left untreated, it will develop into more serious stage, even renal failure. So, how to reduce protein in urine with kidney disease?
1. A healthy lifestyle
Such as not smoking, not drinking alcohol; get plenty of sleep, maintain a certain amount of physical exercise and sunshine bath time; avoid high-fat, high sugar, high salt, and high greasy foods, etc. These foods can increase the burden of our kidneys, accelerate the decline of renal function and cause illness.
2. Actively treating the primary disease and protect the renal function
For nephropathy high-risk groups, right treatment for primary diseases is to use the drugs scientifically and rationally. Taking personalized treatment plan which aimed at individual genetic factors (detect DNA screening for drug sensitivity, etc.), physical and psychological conditions.
3. Healthy Diet
The patients should eat a well-balanced diet, especially foods rich in proteins (such as fish, shrimp, eggs and lean meat etc.) and fresh vegetables. It is important for reducing proteinuria by restricting the intake of protein, having low-salt diet, controlling extra water drinking, and quitting smoking etc.
4. Minerals Supplement
Because the patients’ permeability of glomerular basement membrane increase, lost not only a lot of protein in urine, but also some trace elements that bind to protein. It causes the deficiency of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron in human body. So we shall be granted appropriate supplementation, like eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
5. Infection Prevention
Due to a large number of protein loss, lowered albuminuria patients’ immunity, often prone to infections. If the symptom once appears, it often can make the illness repeatedly. For a healthy person, cold doesn’t account much, but for a kidney disease patient, sometimes it can lead to very serious result.
All of the above is the introduction on how to reduce protein in urine with kidney disease; I hope these suggestions will be helpful.



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