
Foods Good for Kidney Disease Patients

A healthy kidney plays an important role for a healthy life, so we need to protect our kidneys. Scientific diet provide us with necessary nutrition, and improper diet will do harm for our health. For kidney disease patients, their kidneys are injured, so they need to make diet changes, so as to protect residual kidney tissues from being damaged, well, what are the foods good for kidney disease patients? Read on to find the answer.
Fruits and Vegetables
Appropriate foods for kidney failure include low potassium fruits and vegetables. Low-potassium fruits include apples, pears, peaches, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, apricots, mandarin oranges, plums, lemons, limes and cranberries. Low-potassium vegetables include green beans, raw cabbage, cooked cauliflower, celery, corn, lettuce such as iceberg and romaine, raw spinach, cooked sweet peppers, raw broccoli, cooked summer squash and onions.
Protein for Kidney patients and renal disease
Kidney or renal patients should be specially take care of their protein consumption. Protein intake must also be carefully monitored and may be limited to 0.6 grams per kilogram of the body weight per day. Also it is recommended that you can go to vegetable protein which is supposed not to put extra effort in straining. This means that you must meet protein requirements of your body with vegetable sources like beans, lentils and other green vegetables.

So if you are a kidney patient you must avoid animal protein and go for vegetable protein as animal protein produces purine which is helpful in the production of uric acid forming crystals (kidney stones) in the kidneys
Low-Potassium FoodsSince kidneys regulate potassium, it’s important that you monitor your potassium intake. If your potassium level gets too high, you may develop a greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Some examples of low-potassium foods include apples, beans, corn, rice, noodles, pasta, eggplant, cookies without nuts or chocolate, pears, peas, peppers and zucchini.

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