
Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy

The typical pathological change is the deposition of IgA in the glomerular mesangial area and most patients will also have the concomitant deposition of C3, IgG and IgM.
IgA can be divided into 5 stages according to the severity of the illness condition. The disease will experience progressive deterioration without effective and timely treatments. Therefore an early treatment is very important and we all know that the earlier the treatment is received, the less damage it will cause and the better the curative effects and prognosis.
There are many factors that can affect the prognosis of IgA nephropathy and all aspects should be taken into account in regarding the prognosis. The prognoses vary a lot from person to person. Some patients can have complete recover while there are about 15% to 40% patients will develop into chronic renal failure if not treated well or properly.
The factors that will affect the patients’ prognosis include:
1. The elderly patients and if they have symptoms late, the prognosis is poor;
2. Those that have persistent microscopic hematuria with proteinuria has poor prognosis;
3. Those that have renal insufficiency have poor prognosis;
4. Those that have hypertension especially severe hypertension have poor prognosis.
To help achieve a better prognosis, careful nursing cares are very important:
1. Have enough rest and adequate sleep. Daily sleep should be more than 8 hours and in case of hematuria, patients should stop work and stay in bed;
2. Have low-salt, low-fat, low-phosphorus, high-calcium and high quality protein such as milk, fish and avoid animal offal and excitant foods;
3. Have close observation of the blood pressure and maintain the balance of water and electrolyte;
4. Have moderate exercise such as qigong and tai chi;
5. Positive prevention of infections such as colds, upper respiratory tract infections.
Keywords: IgA nephropathy, prognosis, prevention



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