
How to Reduce Dialysis Frequency for Kidney Failure Patients

How to reduce dialysis frequency for kidney failure patients? Dialysis is a medical procedure in which blood is purified with a machine. For kidney failure patients, they may need to do dialysis once, twice or tree times a week according to their illness condition. Dialysis helps to clean blood; however, the longer time that kidney failure patients do dialysis, the lower their survival rate. What is worse, they always experience a group of discomforts during or after dialysis such as nausea, vomiting, headache, tiredness and restless leg syndrome and so on. Therefore, trying to avoid, delay or reduce dialysis frequency is very important. Well, how to reduce dialysis frequency for kidney failure patients?
When it comes to a kidney failure patient who has been on dialysis for many years, I'd like to ask: does the patient still have urine output? Kidney is a bean-shaped organ that helps us produce urine and meanwhile excrete wastes through urine. Urine output means there are still healthy kidney function and in such a condition, it is possible to improve kidney function and reduce dialysis frequency. For kidney failure patients, their kidneys have been injured severely and in their kidney, kidney tissues are divided into three parts. One part refers to kidney tissues that have died. These kidney cells can not be revived. Apart from dead kidney cells, there are healthy one and injured one. Injured kidney cells can be repaired through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which a treatment based on Chinese herbs. In this treatment, some of the effective ingredients can activate injured kidney intrinsic cells to help them work again. And when these injured kidney cells perform function again, kidney function is improved and also dialysis frequency is reduce successfully.
We have treated a patient from Papua New Guinea before and after our treatment, he gets off dialysis finally. Therefore, kidney failure patients should not be negative and try to seize every chance to fight against kidney problem.



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