
How to Prevent Ruptures of Renal Cysts

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease won’t be alien to renal cysts. For them, controlling of the cysts development is closely related to their disease condition. And when the cysts have enlarged to a certain size, the patients will have to be anxious about the risk of cysts rupture. Once the cysts get ruptured, the patients are extremely easy to be attacked by infections and various complications. Therefore, preventing the rupture of cyst is a vital issue for the patients with renal cyst.
Then what should the patients do to prevent the ruptures of cysts?
Firstly, Prevent wound.
As the size of cysts continues to grow, the intra-cystic pressure will accordingly increase. And if the patients get wound by this time, the outside force will produce a shock to the cyst, which may cause the rupture. So, the patients with large-size cysts should avoid lifting, moving and raising heavy weights; do not take waist twist activity; avoid activity increasing intra-abdominal pressure. For example, keep the defecation patent in order to reduce the intra-abdominal pressure caused by defecation difficulties.
Secondly, Control the blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a common symptom among the patients with PKD, which may arouse various complications, including cysts ruptures. As the human being is an organic whole, hypertension will aggravate the state of high pressure within the cysts, contributing to the possibility of rupture. If necessary, patients should take some hypotensor to control the blood pressure. However, the measures should be taken under the construction of doctors.
Thirdly, Pay attention to some details in daily life.
Keep a loose belt, when the kidney present with an obvious swelling; conform to a scientific diet: low salt (2-3g/day), low potassium and potassium, low protein and lipid; use a girdle to secure both of the kidneys when the cysts have grown to a large size.

These are some cautions to help the patients with PKD prevent ruptures of the cysts in daily life. However, it is suggested that the patients with PKD should receive formal treatment to control the development of cysts as early as possible. If the ruptures have happened, don not dispose it on your own, lest delay treatment or even aggravate the condition.

After Getting into Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4

There are five stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and in each stage the symptoms and pathological changes are different. Then is there anything special when the patients are in stage 4?
I. The patients’ feeling.
l Sleep problems. People with stage 4 CKD may have difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep for a whole night, because they have to suffer from skin itch, muscle cramps.
l Urination changes. The urine quantity may change a lot, it can be more or less than normal levels, and the patients will have to get up several times at night to go to the bathroom. The color of the urine may turns dark orange, brown, and tea colored or even red with blood. In addition, fame may appear in urine.
l Taste changes. Even delicious food the patients like before cannot attract them to have a good appetite, and the food may have a metal-like taste in their mouth.
l Nerve problems. The patients are easy to feel numb and ting in their fingers and toes after getting stage 4 of CKD.
II. The changes of renal functions.
Severe reduction in Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) (15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2) is a mark of CKD stage 4. In this period, the renal function may be damaged a lot. As the main function of kidneys is excreting the wastes through circulation and keeping the balance of fluid in the body. If the renal function decreases, the balance may be broken, and then cause a series of reactions such as excessive toxins in the body, disorder of acid-base and decrease of secretive function.

Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide public health problem. It is recognized as a common condition that is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and Chronic Renal Failure (CRF). CKD stage 4 is easy to deteriorate into the end stage CKD if timely treatment hasn’t been given. Therefore, it is necessary for the patients to pay attention to the disease condition in the daily life and do a regular check.


What Are the Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease

For the patients with household heredity of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), it is very necessary to grasp the knowledge of the complications of PKD. It will help them to cope with the disease gracefully when the emergency comes.
So what are the complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease?
I Infections in The Cysts: It is a common complication among the patients with PKD, especially for those whose cysts get ruptured. Then the patients will have backache and fever due to the infections, such as urinary tract infections.
II Hematuria: The presentations can be classified into microscopic hematuria and gross hematuria, the patients needn’t have both of these symptoms. This complication is a sign of severe damage of renal units, and may contribute to the occurrence of Renal Failure.
III Kidney Stone: This complication nearly follows the symptoms of backache and hematuria. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can not excrete urine as normal people, causing much substances store in the kidney, and then it will induce Kidney Stone.
IV Multiple Cysts of Other Organs: Without timely control, the cysts of kidney may spread into other organs. It has been proved in clinic that among the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease who haven’t receive effective treatment before middle age, the incidence of polycystic liver is nearly 50%, and up to 70% with the age of 60s. Besides, pancreas and ovaries may be also involved by cysts.
V Except for the complications above, pyelonephritis, hypertension, portal hypertension and alveoli dysplasia for the infantile Polycystic Kidney Disease are also the common complications of PKD.

In conclusion, though with a comparably slow development, the effective and timely treatment against Polycystic Kidney Disease should be also compulsory to the patients. The aim of it is not only to prevent the complications but also to help the patients recover at an early date.

Bad Habits Leading to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Why does the incidence of CKD remain high, no matter how much attention people pay to nutrition and health? Experts point out that CKD is caused by many factors especially people’s lifestyle. Thus what are the bad habits affecting the renal function?
■ Holding urine frequently.
If the urine stays for a long time in the bladder, bacteria can breed and retrograde to the kidney via ureter, leading to urinary tract infection and Pyelonephritis. The process appears repeatedly can induce CKD which is not easy to be cured.
■ Taking medicine abusively or excessively
Taking too much medicine with Nephrotoxicity may easily cause renal tubular interstitial damage because some elements in them can damage the kidneys. For instance, Chinese herbal medicine with aristolochic acid which is contained in Caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis (guan mu tong), Aristolochia fangchi (guang fang ji), dutchmanspipe root (qing mu xiang); Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) and antibiotics in medicines such as somiton, paracetamol.
■ Staying up, having salty food, and drinking little or no water in a whole day
It is easy to have damage to renal function for those people who are always stay up late, suffer great pressure, and love strong tea and coffee.
If one has a habit of loving salty food, he/she is likely to have a high blood pressure which can lead to the abnormal of blood flow in kidneys.
Lacking water is the direct reason of less urine. And then the concentration of wastes and toxin in urine will increase and cause renal diseases such as Renal Calculus, Hydronephrosis.
■ Having too much seafood and drinking beer
Amounts of food with high-protein, such as fish and meat, is the origin of extensive metabolic waste including Uric Acid (UA) and urea nitrogen, all of which can make the renal burden of excretion heavier.
Further more, Hyperuricemia may be a consequence of too much drinking which can also lead to other metabolic diseases including Hyperlipidemia, and kidney disease. And in summer, many people would like to have seafood and to drink wine at the same time which lifestyle has been once called “the most harmful diet to kidneys” by the doctors of renal disease.

The tips mentioned above are the habits which injury the kidneys most. So people must form a good habit in daily life in order to stay far away from diseases.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease in Women

Years of clinical practice shows that there are some differences between men and women on the symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease, and these symptoms in women can be difficult to identify. Then what are the symptoms in women when they get the disease?
I. Infection. Chronic Kidney Disease in women is always related to pharyngitis, amygdalitis, and infection of the upper respiratory tract and that of skin. Therefore, routine urinalysis should be taken once the above infections are found in order that timely treatment can be given.
II. Edema. In the early stage of the disease, women may be easy to feel tired, weak, and pain in loin, following by edema in eyelid, face, and ankle; apart from that, the quantity of urine bubbles wil increase with an abnormal color of urine.
III. Hypertension: Nearly one third of the women patients with CKD will have increasing blood pressure, with the manifestations such as headache, hypomnesia, poor sleep quality. If Hypertension was found accompanied with these symptoms, a routine urinalysis is necessary for the patients, especially the young women. Don’t even have the idea that these are the results of hard work and great pressure.
IV. The change of urine output. In the early stage of Chronic Renal Insufficiency, there is no other symptom except Enuresis Nocturna. As we all know that normal people have no urine or get up once in the night when they are sleeping, but if one always has to get up more than two times in the night to urinate, a check of urine and kidney is necessary.
V. Anemia. Patients with moderate or severe CKD always have Anemia, and symptoms such as weak, dizzy giddy, pale face may appear. They should go and check whether they have got CKD if they are sure that the disease does not belong to Hematological diseases.

In addition, symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, pruritus, menoxenia are common in patients with early stage kidney disease. Even though the symptoms of CKD in women are similar to that in men, there are some differences. And the disease invades not only men but also women. That is why women should take a notice of the disease when they are busy in working or suffering from great pressure.


Stem Cells Help Diabetic Recover His Eyesight

On December 13th, 2011, Mr. Zhao Chong (assumed name) accepted the umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation once. Five days later, his pain in waist and numb legs are lightened, and he can walk freely on his own. The eyesight of right eye recovers to 0.06 from 0.04 and his world becomes clear again. How did Mr. Zhao get this disease and what’s his treating process?
Ten years ago, Mr. Zhao felt thirst and wanted to drink water more and more, he had a feeling of fatigue and became thin day after day. All these symptoms came stealthily that Mr. Zhao did not mind it too much until he was told that he has got Diabetes by the doctors in local hospital.
The impaired vision made him lost the hope of life.
Even Mr. Zhao had the hypoglycaemic drugs consistently, his eyesight decreased quickly, the left eye shows glaucoma, and the right eye retinal detachment. The following two years, Mr. Zhao was just like a blind person, which made him feel frustrated deeply. And the complications caused by the disease also made him lose all hope of life.
Stem cells lighten his life again.
When he was immersed in the pain and sorrow, Mr. Zhao learned from the internet that the technology of stem cell had been imported into Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, and it can treat the complications of Diabetes with a good effect. Mr. Zhao came to the hospital to have a last try for the disease on December 13th.
His happiness after recovery.
Mr. Zhao even cannot believe that his ten-year-disease can be treated on one day. “I haven’t imagined that one needle of the stem cell can have such a magical power! I am so happy now because I can walk on my own and the unstable feeling of walking on the cotton lost.” he said in an exciting voice. With such a satisfactory effect, Mr. Zhao wants to continue the treatment for a better recovery.

We are very happy to see the good result on Mr. Zhao. What we want to see is that more and more patients like him can have a timely treatment. As an advanced technology, stem cells can be used to treat many kinds of disease including that in brain, blood, nerves and muscle, etc. Please try to look for more information about it and have its function clear in your mind, then decide whether you are willing to accept the treatment. Best wishes to all of you and hope you can live a healthy life.

Symptoms of Stage 3 CKD

Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease are always not aware of the disease until it is severe. There are five stages of CKD which are characterized by different symptoms. And the stage 3 is the main topic of this paper.
The international criterion of stage 3 CKD are as follows:
The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is moderately abnormal with the rate of 30-59 ml/(min·1.73㎡).
High blood pressure is common among these patients, who have other symptoms such as decrease of calcium absorption and phosphorus excretion as well as obvious increase of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). In addition, the abnormal of lipoprotein metabolism, the reducing of intake of protein, Renal Anemia, and left ventricular hypertrophy are also the manifestations of CKD III.
But in clinic, the patients may feel different in their body.
Firstly, they may feel fatigue all the time.
Secondly, edema (swelling) in their lower body, hands or face and even shortness of breath caused by too much fluid remains in the body.
Thirdly, urine may become dark orange and even be hematuria, and the quantity of urine is too much or too little.
Fourthly, back pain in their lower and mid part is common.
Fifthly, insomnia may be their long-term friend after they got the disease, and they may have to experience muscle cramping or restless leg syndrome which will interfere with their sleep patterns.
All these symptoms are markers of CKD at stage three, so it is important for the patients to be alert on them and have timely treatment.
Even though it is hard or even impossible to cure CKD at present, it doesn’t mean that we couldn’t treat or control it. The nephrologists in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital have a goal which is to make sure that the patients suffering from stage 3 kidney disease receives the best possible treatment in order to keep the kidneys functioning as long as possible.

Therefore, don’t be pessimistic about CKD; there are so many people who live a happy life with the disease. Try to build up your confidence and cooperate with the doctor positively and your disease will be controlled well in the near future.


Clinical Symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure is a clinical syndrome caused by various kidney diseases. The patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) usually have a continuous decline of renal function. As a result, the patients will have metabolites retention, water and electrolyte disorders, acid-base disturbance, and present with systemic symptoms. Therefore, the consequences of Chronic Renal Failure are not confined to the damage of kidney, but also involve the main systems of the body, including intestinal system, blood system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and so on.
I Intestinal Symptoms: Poor appetite, anorexia, nausea and vomiting are the common symptoms of intestinal involvements. In general, they are also the initial symptoms for the patients with Chronic Renal Failure. Ammonia smell in the mouth, oral mucosal inflammation, gastritis, and dodecadactylitis are commonly seen among the patients with CKD when entering renal failure stage.
II Hematological Symptoms: The majority of patients will have anemia when their creatinine has been over 300μmol/L. Compared with other kinds of anemia, renal anemia usually has a mild symptom. Bleeding is another symptom in blood system of the patients with Chronic Renal Failure. And lots of patients have bleeding gums and nose, ecchymoses, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.
III Cardiovascular Symptom: Hypertension is a common complication of Chronic Renal Failure. Long-term symptom of high blood pressure will cause ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac arrhythmia, and even cardiac insufficiency. Advanced patients will have uremic pericarditis and cardiomyopathy.
IV Nervous Symptoms: In the early stage of Chronic Renal Failure, the patients usually present with fatigue, dizziness, poor memory, insomnia, numb limb and so on. In the advanced stage, the patients will have uremic encephalopathy, which characterizes with symptoms like somnolence, delirium, coma, twitch or epilepsia.
V Respiratory Symptoms:A few of patients may have uremia pneumonia, pleurisy, pleural effusion and pulmonary calcification.

VI Other Symptoms:In Chronic Renal Failure, due to the lack of Vitamin D, hyperparathyroidism, aluminum overload, some patients will have renal osteopathy, or accompanied with itching, desquamation, and skin ulcers at the same time.

How to Prevent Kidney Problem with Diabetes

Kidney problem caused by Diabetes is called Diabetic Nephropathy which is one of the most commonly seen complications of Diabetes, and as the report notes, the rate of patients with Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) to suffer from Renal Failure is as 17 times as that of the non-Diabetes people. We all know that, renal failure is quite a severe disease which accounts for one of the most important reasons for Diabetes patients' death. Moreover, among most cases, the clinical manifestations of DN usually present when the patients have had already 5-10 years history of Diabetes, and once diagnosed as DN, their disease can no longer be revered. Therefore, the precaution of DN is quite necessary for the patients that have been diagnosed as Diabetes. In the following, this article will list several effective and scientific suggestions to help the patients with Diabetes keep away from DN.
1. Do not take medicine without the doctor's advice: For some medicine and even those medicine which are given by some doctors may be harmful to the kidney, contributing to the onset of DN. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice to treat Diabetes based on several cases of Diabetes, and it has successfully prevented the onset of DN to numerous patients with Diabetes.
2.Control the blood sugar: For the Diabetes patients, the controlling of blood sugar has a close relation with the onset and the development of DN, so successful blood sugar controlling is an absolutely necessary measure to prevent DN. However, if the controlling doesn’t reach the standard (blood sugar is lower than 7 mmol/L with empty stomach, lower than 10 mmol/L two hours after meal, glycolated hemoglobin is lower than 7.5% ), take some medicine to help it, and insulin treatment is a preferred one.
3.Control the blood pressure: High blood pressure: It is one of the obvious symptoms of Diabetes, besides, it is also a trigger to the onset and deterioration of nephropathy. Take blood-pressure pills when the blood pressure has been up to 140/90mm Hg, and keeping the blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hg for patients with Diabetes is one of the effective ways to prevent DN.

4. Keep the blood lipid in a normal range (plasma Cholesterol2.9 ~5.17mmoi/L, serum triglyceride 0.56~1.7mmoi/L, high-density-lipoprotein cholesterols0.94~2.0mmoi/L, Lower-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol2.07~3.12i/L): As we all know that blood fat has a close a relationship with blood sugar, therefore, successful blood sugar controlling is one way to prevent the occurrence of dyslipidemia; since part of the blood lipid comes from the diet, so keeping a high-fiber and low-lipid diet is very necessary; moreover, playing sports appropriately is also an effective way to control the blood lipid. If all of these above don’t work, lipid-regulating drugs are necessary.

Is There Any Natural Healing for Cyst on Left Kidney

Cysts on left kidney (cortical kidney cysts/parapelvic cyst/complex kidney cyst) could shrink by using a natural healing-Micro Chinese medicine Osmotherapy.
Kidney cysts are very common in people over 50. They are benign most of the time. But the kidney cyst grows gradually with age. Sometimes they are even as large as our kidney, which will bring great burden to our kidneys. Sometimes people have severe symptoms such as back pain, flank pain, blood in urine, which afflict a lot of people with kidney cysts. And in severe cases, the kidney cyst may have possibility of becoming a renal cancer, which needs to be removed as soon as possible. The risk of cancer caused by cysts is low. A natural healing of kidney cysts can shrink cysts. It is Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, most of which are herbs, has been widely used in China for a long history. Some herbs have been proved it has great effects on shrinking kidney cysts. Most of people in China with kidney diseases always look for Chinese medicine to treat their diseases. There are some herbs in the medicine can treat kidney diseases effectively including kidney cysts.

The herbs can be taken orally or used by external application. The external application method is developed in recent decades by experts of kidney disease in China. It is called Micro-Chinese Medicine. The active substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine can deal with the cysts by improving the micro-circulation in renal capillaries, softening the cyst wall and increasing the permeability of the cyst wall. As a result, the cyst fluid flows into the blood and then be filtered out of the body. Additionally, Micro-Chinese Medicine can inhibit the secretion of cyst cells so that the cyst would not grow up.


Fruits for Patients with Kidney Diseases

Generally speaking, people with kidney diseases especially severe kidney diseases should not eat too much fruit. This is due to the fact that kidney function is damaged and the kidneys can not excrete potassium effectively. Fruits are rich in potassium. If the patients already have hyperkalemia, it is more dangerous.
People with kidney diseases any high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis can eat orange, hawthorn, jujube, which are rich in vitamin c. In addition, these fruits have effects of reducing blood pressure and easing vascular sclerosis.
People with hypertensive nephropathy can eat more fruits which contain high potassium such as orange, apple, banana, pear, pineapple, etc.
For people with heart failure and severe edema, apple is ok. Watermelon, pear and pineapple, which contain much water, are not suggested.
People with diabetes kidney disease can eat some fruits which have effects of lowering sugar in blood.
For people who are receiving dialysis especially peritoneal dialysis, there is no limit of fruits. If low potassium presents, fruits which are rich in potassium such as orange are good to the patients. But people who are receiving dialysis but no output of urine need to limit the intake of potassium strictly.
Peach is rich in potassium.
Banana is rich in sodium salt. If one eats too much banana, edema, blood pressure can aggravate.
Foods to be Included in a Healthy Kidney Diet
Here are some foods that you may include in your diet for healthy kidneys.
· Red Bell Peppers
· Apples
· Cabbage
· Cauliflower
· Cranberries
· Strawberries
· Cherries
· Asparagus
· Green Beans
· Iceberg Lettuce
· Green Beans
· Radishes
· Turnips
By including these foods in your diet, you will be able to control any kidney problems or dysfunction.
These were some tips to follow a renal diet. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor as well as a dietitian when facing kidney problems.

Do not self-diagnose or diagnose anyone else. Patients with kidney disease need to know clear about what you can eat and what are not to avoid any problems.

Does Kidney Failure Affect the Hearts

A doctor in America has said that more than 50% of people with kidney failure die because they have developed heart disease.
The kidney failure can cause many complications such as deterioration of the memory, headache, fatigue, loss appetite, digestive problems. Besides it can also cause heart diseases.
People with chronic kidney failure may have heart diseases suddenly, the symptoms of which is not easy to be detected. The reasons of heart diseases of people with kidney failure include high blood pressure, too much blood volume, toxin in human body and electrolyte metabolism disorder and acidosis which are caused by kidney failure. And it will lead to increases of LVEDV (Left Ventricular End diastolic Volume) and stroke volume. When the cardiac compensation is damaged, the left heart function decreases and heart failure occurs.
Hence people with kidney failure need to do heart diseases prevention work.
How to prevent complication-heart disease for people with kidney failure? Keeping your heart healthy is possible by firstly reducing the standard risk factors for developing heart disease and secondly, by reducing the extra risk factors for heart disease that exist because of kidney failure. This can be achieved by adherence to your prescribed medication, diet, fluid intake and exercise. Such measures should be taken from the earliest stages of kidney failure. This will help to prevent irreversible damage.
What are the risk factors for heart disease? The standard risk factors for cardiovascular disease are:
High blood pressure
Family history of early heart attack e.g. before age 65
Pre-existing arterial disease
Sedentary lifestyle

People with renal failure or in early stage of kidney disease need to prevent complications of kidney diseases. Besides, better treatment of renal failure is helpful.


Lower High Serum Creatinine Level Caused by Diabetes-Renal Failure

Q: My father, 50 years old diabetic, is going through dialysis from last 3 months, his creatinine level is 6, but it increased to 12 later, please suggest how to lower down the creatinine level.

A: Blood sugar firstly needs to be controlled strictly from now on.
Treatment of diabetes, the primary cause of renal failure is needed. Stem cells transplant can lower the serum creatinine level by repairing pancreas function and renal function.
Stem cells, which are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms, have ability of regenerating of masses of daughter cells which may have exactly the same characteristics of stem cells and they also have potential of differentiating into various functional cells. And stem cells treatment utilizes the characteristics of stem cells and the cells will be introduced into injury area of human body. Then the stem cells can differentiate into renal function cells and pancreas function cells for its homing characteristic. Stem cells can also repair damaged islet cells directly when arriving at the islet. And the cytokines secreted by the stem cells can provide nutrient substance for islet cells remedy. Besides, stem cells can also block insulin resistance and repair predisposing genes --- the genes stem cells use to repair and control islet cells, and then make islet cells become normal so that the islet cells can secret insulin normally and recover the function of autonomous blood sugar regulation of the organism. Stem Cell Transplant can effectively repair the damaged islet cells, and if only the islet cells are properly repaired can the disease be reversed.

But because the technology is not mature enough, not all the stem cells will work well. In fact, the kidney function and pancreas function can be partly repaired, but by practicing in clinic, we see that the high serum creatinine level can be lowered. In addition, earlier treatment can get better effects with unknown reason.

Herba Lysimachiae for Kidney

Herba Lysimachiae (Jin Qian Cao) is also called Long tube Ground Ivy Herb. What kind kidney disease can Jin Qian Cao treat? Take a look.
Herba Lysimachiae (Jin Qian Cao) - a Kind of Herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Herba Lysimachiae (Jin Qian Cao) is also called Long tube Ground Ivy Herb. In the term of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Jin Qian Cao is bitter, acrid, and col. What kind kidney disease can Jin Qian Cao treat? Take a look.
The channels Jin Qian Cao influences Gallbladder, Kidney, Liver, and Bladder.
Promotes urination, unblocks stones, and clears damp heat a very important herb for urinary bladder stones and kidney stones. For painful urination with dribbling with Damp Heat signs.
Clears liver and gallbladder damp heat, unblocks stones for gallstones, jaundice with red swollen eyes, hepatitis with signs of Damp Heat
Clears heat and toxins, reduces swelling
for swellings, sores, lesions, abscesses, trauma, and snake bites apply this herb topically.
Toxicity and Overdose
Rarely allergic reactions have been noted after overdose with signs redness and rash
In《xiàn dài shí yòng zhōng yào 》, a book about Chinese medicine that used widely at present in China , Jin Qian Cao relieve cough, stop bleeding, has function of diuresis.
In 《An Hui yao cai 》,a medical work about medicinal materials, Jin Qian Cao can treat bladder calculi.
In 《Zhe Jiang min jian cao yao》, a medical work about herbs records it can treat high blood pressure.
In 《lu ben chuan cao》, a medical work about herbs, Jin Qian Cao can subsidence of a swelling, relieve pain, relieve pain of lower abdomen of women.
In 《Shang Hai chang yòng zhong cao yao》, it records Jin Qian Cao and HERBA POLYGONI AVICULARIS can treat nephritis with edema.
To treat stranguria from urolithiasis or urinary stone, the herb can be used alone, with a large dose of its decoction, or in combination with climbing fern spore, chickden's gizzard-skin and other herbs for softening hard masses, removing urinary calculus, inducing diuresis and treating stranguria, such as Erjin Paishi Decoction.

Herba Lysimachiae (Jin Qian Cao) should be used under the guide of a professional Chinese doctor about how to use Herba Lysimachiae (Jin Qian Cao), how much it should be used and what disease it treats.


What Can Be Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited kidney disease. The main problems are symptoms of PKD, rupture of cysts, complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease including kidney failure, high blood pressure, etc.
Symptoms of PKD
Symptoms of different severity like hypertension, nausea and vomiting appear after renal insufficiency come into being.
Cysts rupture
If a cyst ruptures, the cyst is easy to be infected, and then more symptoms such as frequent urination, high fever, persistent bleeding could present. In rare cases, there are serious signs of ruptured kidney cysts.
Kidney failure
Kidney failure is a prominent hazard of PKD, while those symptoms are indicators showing that the patients are suffering from PKD. Usually patients with PKD are careless of their disease in early stage because almost no symptom can be identified. They become aware of the hazards of PKD only after their disease develops into kidney failure. At this point, toxins can’t be expelled as usual and are accumulated within the human body, leading to severe symptoms for patients who then need dialysis.
So sufferers with PKD should notice health care in daily life, learning hazards of PKD as early as possible and take care of their daily diet. Then the occurrence of kidney failure which is caused by PKD can be avoided to the hilt.
By comparison, the situation is totally different for Polycystic Kidney Disease. Some people with PKD can live a normal life without knowing he or she has this disease. Kidney functional cells may be damaged as cysts expand. Eventually Chronic End-stage Renal Failure or Uremia comes into being.

Hence be confident that your Polycystic Kidney Disease developing can be prevented effectively.

Alternative Treatment for Lowering High Creatinine Level in Blood

Apart from dialysis, there are some alternative treatments that can lower high creatinine level by repairing renal function. It is caused by renal fibrosis. Normal kidney function cells are replaced by fibrous tissue and loss the ability of excretion of waste such as creatinine, urea nitrogen, etc. Although dialysis can reduce creatinine level in blood, but it can not repair your kidney function. It is advisable to repair kidney function when you still not receive dialysis. Find a treatment which can repair renal function is suggested while people with renal failure are receiving dialysis. What kinds of treatments can repair renal function and treat renal failure? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem cells are treatments in your choices.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the special treatment method of renal failure and it can lower creatinine level in blood.
Some herbs in Chinese medicine repair damaged kidneys by dilating blood vessels (to improve ischemia and anoxia condition and kidney burden) and anti-inflammation (to protect the normal kidney cells from being damaged).
What really counts is that the kidney cells will be repaired gradually. After the damaged kidney cells are repaired by this therapy, the necrotic ones can be replaced by new cells differentiated by stem cells.
Stem Cell Transplant is the new treatment method of renal failure.
New and healthy cells can be created by stem cells to replace the dead kidney cells.
With the help of combination of Micro-Chinese Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant, there are more normal kidney units. And then kidney function will be improved so as to remove toxin in body and then decrease the high creatinine level. Once their kidney function is improved fundamentally, they are more likely to get rid of dialysis or lessen the frequency of receiving dialysis at least.

Renal failure is treated by the combining of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant in China. In good cases, dialysis can be got rid of if one has just receive dialysis for several months. If one needs to receive dialysis but not yet, this treatment can help you avoid dialysis.


Creatinine Level in Blood Is 2.5 What Does This Mean

What does creatinine level 2.5 mean? Is it dangerous? Read on to learn about creatinine level in blood.
What does creatinine level 2.5 mean? Is it dangerous? Read on to learn about creatinine level in blood.
Creatinine has been described as the oil of the muscle engine that makes the muscle work more efficiently. It is a break-down product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass). Creatinine will be excreted through urine after filtration by kidneys. If the kidney filtration function is damaged, creatinine can not be excreted and stay in blood. creatinine level in blood will increase and cause problems.
Serum creatinine (creatinine in blood)
Measuring serum creatinine is a simple test and it is the most commonly used indicator of renal function, in another word, abnormal creatinine level in blood (higher than normal level) usually indicates kidney diseases (high creatinine level can be caused by many other reasons, not all of which are diseases)
There are five stages of kidney disease and creatinine level changes in different stages.
In Stage 1 & 2, the creatinine level is <133umol/l (<1.5mg/dl) and generally there is no symptom.
In Stage 3, the creatinine level is 133~221 (1.5-2.5). Patients will have tiredness, anemia and frequent night urine.
In Stage 4, the creatinine level is 221~442 (2.5-5.0). In this stage, there will be obvious anemia, nausea, vomiting, metabolic acidosis and electrolytes disorder.
In stage 5, the creatinine level is >442 (>5.0). There will be obvious symptoms of uremia such as severe anemia, digestive tract symptoms, nervous symptoms, water, electrolytes and acid-base imbalance.

Hence creatinine level 2.5 in blood is in stage 4 of kidney disease if you have ruled out other causes of high creatinine level in blood. it is a stage that treatment is needed as soon as possible to avoid end-stage kidney disease-renal failure, which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation or stem cells transplant.

Flank Pain in Polycystic Kidney Disease

Symptoms often do not appear until middle age. The symptoms caused by PKD could be:
·Flank pain on one side or both sides
·Abdominal pain or tenderness
·Blood in the urine (hematuria)
·Excessive urination at night
The cause of flank pain when people have PKD
Normally there are not many symptoms. But symptoms can develop between the ages of 30 and 40, in some cases, they begin earlier, even in childhood. Some people with PKD have flank pain, back pain. The reason is that the enlarged kidney oppresses surrounding organs. If there is a ruptures cyst and secondary infection, the pain can aggravate suddenly. If the cyst accompanied with stones or blood clot blocks the urinary tract when the cysts bleed, renal colic presents. In addition, many cysts on kidney lead to large amount of water in the kidney. Then the kidney becomes heavy. Back pain can be caused because of the heavy kidney. The pain will be dull in one side or both sides.
The presence of flank pain in people with PKD indicates the cysts are doing harms to the kidney. Treatment is needed to prevent developing of PKD.
How to treat PKD effectively?
Natural remedies can prevent developing of cysts. It is Chinese medicine.
Chinese medicine, a system reaching back more than 2,000 years, is practiced by about one-fifth of the world's population. Many people in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia regard Chinese medicine as their first line of defense in maintaining health and combating disease. In recent decades, Micro-Chinese Medicine is developed from Chinese medicine. The active substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine can deal with the cysts by improving the micro-circulation in renal capillaries, softening the cyst wall and increasing the permeability of the cyst wall. As a result, the cyst fluid flows into the blood and then be filtered out of the body. Additionally, Micro-Chinese Medicine can inhibit the secretion of cyst cells so that the cyst would not grow up.

When PKD is treated, flank pain will be relieved effectively.


Some Symptoms Help Detect Polycystic Kidney Disease Renal Cyst Early

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a familial disease. Once you know you have Polycystic Kidney Disease, it is better to control the growing of the cyst in time to avoid end-stage kidney disease or rupture, which may cause infections, sometimes leading to serious results.
Following conditions need to be paid more attention to:
*There is someone who has PKD or Kidney Cyst in your family. PKD will not just affect kidneys but other organs such as liver. There may be polycystic liver, liver cyst, cyst of spleen, pancreatic cyst, cerebral aneurysm, abdominal aneurism, alimentary tract diverticulum, etc. Therefore people should go to have a test by CT scans or urine test, blood test if someone has PKD or renal cyst in your family.
* People live in seriously- polluted environment for long time, exposed to toxic chemicals (including people who are taking nephrotoxic drugs) or radiation.
*edema around eyes, lower limbs or feet
*People with abnormality of emotions such as long-term excessive depression or panic disorder are in the list.
*Coffee (cola) colored urine/bubbly urine
*Periodical blood in urine or microalbuminuria proteinuria (protein in urine) presents (it could be found in urine test). But it should be distinguished from Nephritis.
*People with symptoms such as back pain, belly pain, flank pain, unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction are in the list too.
* People who are elder than 40
* urinary tract infection presents often
*People have fatigue because of heavy manual labor or mental labor, who at the same time lack of physical exercise.

Once you are in the above conditions it is better to have an examination in hospital so as to know if there is cyst on your kidney or not and control the developing of the cyst on kidney in time.


Corn Silk for Kidney Stone

Corn silk is a herb good for kidney stone patients. Kidney stone is formed easily in summer. It always causes severe pain feeling in lower back, groin, two sides of the waist and also flank. Small kidney stones can be pass easily by drinking much more water and having some physical exercises, but for large kidney stones, if not managed well, they will cause kidney damages, which may develop to kidney failure stage finally. Therefore, for people with large kidney stone, they need to take some treatment to remove large kidney stones. Here, in this article, we mainly introduce corn silk which is a herb that has been proven to be good for kidney stone patients.
1. Corn silk helps to prevent the formation of new kidney stones
For those that suffer from kidney stones on a regular basis, corn silk tea is a good remedy to consider. Corn silk helps kidney stone patients by improving their urine output. This tea can also help prevent urinary tract infections which can lead to kidney stones. For this, it is recommended to drink one to three cups of corn silk tea daily for a week in order to help relieve the infection.
2. Corn silk helps to improve kidney function, which is very important for kidney stone patients who have kidney damages caused.
You can make your own herbal corn silk tea by purchasing some organic corn, and stripping the silk from the cobs. Discard any silk that is brown and dried. Corn silk is best used by steeping one ounce of material in one pint of boiling water. Let stand and cool off until it begins to thicken. Drink one cup of this tea three times a day before meals.
Kidney stone is very common and can be treated easily in some cases. But this does not mean we can pay no attention and importance on kidney stone. Corn silk is a good herb for kidney stone and if you have further questions on it, please feel free to contact us directly.


Dandelion Is Good for Kidney

Many herbs can be used to treat kidney problem, as they are good for kidney. Dandelion is one of the herbs that is commonly used to improve kidney function. Here is some information about dandelion for kidney. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we will surely reply you with the best solution with free of charge.
1. Dandelion can help to treat kidney stone
Kidney stones are usually made up of mineral salts in the urine. There are different types of kidney stone. For small kidney stones, they can be passed easily if patients drink lots of water and then do some physical exercises. But for large kidney stones, they may cause damages on kidney. Passing the larger-sized stones can be excruciatingly painful. One way to treat recurrent kidney stones naturally is with dandelion.
2. Dandelion works as diuretic
Dandelion roots have antiviral effects and, combined with the herb uvaursi, which has antibacterial properties, may also help decrease frequency of urinary tract infections in women. A study published in the June 2011 issue of the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" report that dandelion is especially effectively in treating urinary tract infection, as it has diuretic effects. Kidney infection may accelerate kidney problem to kidney failure stage directly, so preventing kidney infection is very important. Urinary tract infection always spread to kidney and lead to kidney infection. However, with dandelion root, urinary tract infection can be cured quickly. Seeing from this aspect, dandelion is very helpful for kidney disease patients to prevent further kidney damages.
Dandelion is just one of the herbs good for kidney. Apart from it, many other herbs also can be applied to help kidney disease patients improve kidney function. If you are interested in these herbs, you can consult our online doctor for more detailed information.


Learn About Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

Anemia is a medical problem that Chronic Kidney Disease patients may experience, but usually anemia caused by kidney problem is called renal anemia. Although renal anemia is just a complication of kidney damage, it may lead to more serious health problem if no treatment is given. For this reason, having an overal understanding about renal naemia is also necessary for chronic kidney disease patients.
What is renal anemia?
Renal anemia refers to the medical condition in which the body has fewer red blood cells than normal. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body and enable them to use energy from food. Therefore,with anemia, red blood cells carry less oxygen to tissues and organs—particularly the heart and brain—and those tissues and organs may not function as well as they should.That is the reason why Chronic Kidney Disease need to treat their anemia as soon as possible after the diagnosis.
Why Chronic Kidney Disease patients run high risk for renal anemia?
Chronic Kidney Disease patients are more likely to suffer from renal anemia compared with healthy people. Kidney is an organ with bean shape. Apart from filtering blood, it also helps to secrete hormone needed by our body. One of the hormone secreted by kidney is EPO (erythropoietin). When kidneys are diseased or damaged, they do not make enough EPO. As a result, the bone marrow makes fewer red blood cells, causing anemia. When blood has fewer red blood cells, it deprives the body of the oxygen it needs.
Besides, with kidney problem, Chronic Kidney Disease patients need to make diet changes, so as to protect residual kidney function. Due to diet limitation, they are more likely to have low levels of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which also contributes to the appearance of renal anemia.
How to treat renal anemia effectively?
Since the appearance of renal anemia is mainly due to the less production of EPO, so repairing kidney damages to improve kidney function is very important. In this way, kidneys can secrete much more EPO to support the formation of red blood cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the herbal treatment recommended for Chronic Kidney Disease patients to improve kidney function. With this treatment, not only renal anemia can be cured, but also high creatinine level and high BUN level can be lowered down successfully.

Garlic for Kidney Health

Garlic is very common in our kitchen and it is usually used as a seasoning. Actually, garlic also can be used in medicine and its medical effects are more than we know. Garlic is good for kidney and the following is the detailed introduction.
Garlic contains a chemical compound known as allicin that gives it immense medicinal value. The biologically active components of garlic can inhibit the production of blood pressure-enhancing hormones by the kidneys. They can also lower the reabsorption of salts by the kidneys and increase urine production. All these mechanisms may help reduce high blood pressure. Kidney is also responsible for regulating blood pressure, so kidney disease is always accompanied with elevation of high blood pressure. Although high blood pressure appears as a symptom of kidney disease, if it is left untreated, further kidney damages will be caused by it. However, eating garlic regularly contributes to tight control of high blood pressure.
A study published in a 2008 issue of the journal “Pharmacological Reports” also reveals that garlic can significantly lessen kidney damage, which is very important for kidney disease patients to stop illness progression.
In addition, garlic is also very helpful for preventing kidney stone. Kidney stones are formed due to the separation of crystals from the urine. When stones are present in the kidneys, the condition is called as nephrolithiasis. Garlic may reduce the incidence of this condition.
In a word, garlic is very good for kidney disease patients, but you need to find out if you are allowed to take garlic, as it may also interfere with certain blood-thinning and HIV medications.


Tests Needed for the Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease

What tests are needed for the diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease? Chronic Kidney Disease causes no obvious symptoms until it develops to advanced stage, but at that time, illness has become very dangerous and if we want to have a good prognosis, early diagnosis and treatment is needed. Well, how do we know if someone is living with Chronic Kidney Disease?
For someone who suspect he has kidney problem, he can go to doctor or hospital for the following tests and this will help them to know if there is something wrong with their kidney. 
1. Blood test
Blood test is necessary for the diagnosis for Chronic Kidney Disease. With this treatment, we can know clearly about creatinine level and blood urea nitrogen level. These two substances are normal metabolic waste products that are excreted by the kidneys. Urea is a byproduct of protein breakdown, and creatinine is a byproduct of normal muscle functioning. In kidney disease, these substances (as well as numerous others) are not excreted normally, so they accumulate in the body. This causes an increase in blood levels of urea and creatinine, which can be easily detected on blood tests.
2. Urine test
Urine test also plays an important role for an accurate diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease. In normal condition, when blood flow through kidney, protein and red blood cells will be preserved in the body, however, for one who has kidney problem, when his blood pass through kidney, protein and red blood cell will leak into urine. Under such a condition, if he do a urine test, protein and red blood cell will be detected in the urine. 
3. Imaging Tests
Some imaging tests also can be used to help diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease. The most commonly used imaging tests are CT scans, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Intravenous Pyelogram. With these tests, we can know clearly about the size of the kidney, and if there are stones, cysts or tumor in kidney. 


Fluid Intake for Kidney Disease

Some kidney disease patients are suggested to drink much more water in daily life and they are told it is good for their kidneys. However, in some other cases, kidney disease patients may be suggested to limit fluid intake. Why is this? How much water should one drink once being diagnosed with kidney problem?Actually, how much water is needed by a kidney disease patient depends on their exact illness condition. Read on to find related information.
Kidney is in charge of maintaining fluid balance. While blood flow through kidney, excess fluid and wastes like creatinine and urea nitrogen will be excreted out of the body as urine. For people who have slightly high creatinine level in the blood, they may be suggested to drink much more water, because this will help to flush out of creatinine accumulated in their blood. However, under such a condition, if they drink too much water, kidney burden will be increased, which is not good for their recovery.
Besides, for some kidney disease patients, they may have fluid retention which usually appears as swollen leg, swelling in eyelid, face and hands. Under such a condition, they need to limit fluid intake, because high fluid intake will cause worsening of these symptoms.
When kidney disease develops to advanced stage, fluid limitation is needed to alleviate fluid retention and reduce kidney burden. Under such a case, if they have decreased urine output, 500ml more than their urine output is suggested everyday.
Lastly, for dialysis patients, they should be especially careful about their fluid intake. This not only helps reduce their risk for side effects caused by dialysis, but also make them feel comfortable during or after dialysis. How much fluid is needed by dialysis patients depends on different factors, here you can consult our online doctor for exact fluid intake by describing your illness condition.

Low-Salt Diet Is Good for Kidney

Low-salt diet is recommended in our daily life, especially for people who have kidney problem. Now, let's learn about the bad effects of high-salt diet and the tips that can help us cut off salt intake.
Low-salt diet is suggested for kidney disease patients, because salt is high in sodium which is needed to maintain blood pressure and for normal nerve and muscle function. Keeping a normal sodium level in the blood is very important, otherwise, unnecessary health tissues will be caused.
Although sodium is essential for the body functions listed above, too much sodium can be harmful for people with kidney disease. Sodium helps your body to retain a healthy fluid balance. But having renal disease means your kidneys cannot eliminate excess sodium and fluid from your body. As sodium and fluid build up in your tissues and bloodstream, your blood pressure increases and you feel uncomfortable. What is worse, high sodium diet increases kidney burden, which may accelerate kidney problem to kidney failure stage. Therefore, limiting sodium intake is very important for kidney disease patients. As salt is high in sodium, so low-salt diet is recommended.
Besides, high-sodium intake also increase our risk for kidney stone. Sodium is a culprit of kidney stones because it increases the quantity of calcium in the urine. The daily recommended sodium intake is between 2,000 and 2,400 mg per day, but many people substantially exceed those levels. Sodium is found in everyday foods, most predominantly in frozen, prepared or processed products. It is used for both taste and as a preserver, and it might also be found in lunch meat, junk food and canned foods.
To limit salt intake or sodium intake strictly, the following tips need to be kept in mind by kidney disease patients:
1. Exclude salted foods from your dining-table.
2. Try to avoid processed foods.
3. Add less salt while cooking
4. To identify hidden sources of salt, look for the words sodium, baking powder,baking soda and brine anywhere in the ingredient list.

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