
Bad Habits Leading to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Why does the incidence of CKD remain high, no matter how much attention people pay to nutrition and health? Experts point out that CKD is caused by many factors especially people’s lifestyle. Thus what are the bad habits affecting the renal function?
■ Holding urine frequently.
If the urine stays for a long time in the bladder, bacteria can breed and retrograde to the kidney via ureter, leading to urinary tract infection and Pyelonephritis. The process appears repeatedly can induce CKD which is not easy to be cured.
■ Taking medicine abusively or excessively
Taking too much medicine with Nephrotoxicity may easily cause renal tubular interstitial damage because some elements in them can damage the kidneys. For instance, Chinese herbal medicine with aristolochic acid which is contained in Caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis (guan mu tong), Aristolochia fangchi (guang fang ji), dutchmanspipe root (qing mu xiang); Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) and antibiotics in medicines such as somiton, paracetamol.
■ Staying up, having salty food, and drinking little or no water in a whole day
It is easy to have damage to renal function for those people who are always stay up late, suffer great pressure, and love strong tea and coffee.
If one has a habit of loving salty food, he/she is likely to have a high blood pressure which can lead to the abnormal of blood flow in kidneys.
Lacking water is the direct reason of less urine. And then the concentration of wastes and toxin in urine will increase and cause renal diseases such as Renal Calculus, Hydronephrosis.
■ Having too much seafood and drinking beer
Amounts of food with high-protein, such as fish and meat, is the origin of extensive metabolic waste including Uric Acid (UA) and urea nitrogen, all of which can make the renal burden of excretion heavier.
Further more, Hyperuricemia may be a consequence of too much drinking which can also lead to other metabolic diseases including Hyperlipidemia, and kidney disease. And in summer, many people would like to have seafood and to drink wine at the same time which lifestyle has been once called “the most harmful diet to kidneys” by the doctors of renal disease.

The tips mentioned above are the habits which injury the kidneys most. So people must form a good habit in daily life in order to stay far away from diseases.



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