
Tests Needed for the Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease

What tests are needed for the diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease? Chronic Kidney Disease causes no obvious symptoms until it develops to advanced stage, but at that time, illness has become very dangerous and if we want to have a good prognosis, early diagnosis and treatment is needed. Well, how do we know if someone is living with Chronic Kidney Disease?
For someone who suspect he has kidney problem, he can go to doctor or hospital for the following tests and this will help them to know if there is something wrong with their kidney. 
1. Blood test
Blood test is necessary for the diagnosis for Chronic Kidney Disease. With this treatment, we can know clearly about creatinine level and blood urea nitrogen level. These two substances are normal metabolic waste products that are excreted by the kidneys. Urea is a byproduct of protein breakdown, and creatinine is a byproduct of normal muscle functioning. In kidney disease, these substances (as well as numerous others) are not excreted normally, so they accumulate in the body. This causes an increase in blood levels of urea and creatinine, which can be easily detected on blood tests.
2. Urine test
Urine test also plays an important role for an accurate diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease. In normal condition, when blood flow through kidney, protein and red blood cells will be preserved in the body, however, for one who has kidney problem, when his blood pass through kidney, protein and red blood cell will leak into urine. Under such a condition, if he do a urine test, protein and red blood cell will be detected in the urine. 
3. Imaging Tests
Some imaging tests also can be used to help diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease. The most commonly used imaging tests are CT scans, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Intravenous Pyelogram. With these tests, we can know clearly about the size of the kidney, and if there are stones, cysts or tumor in kidney. 



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