
Learn About Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

Anemia is a medical problem that Chronic Kidney Disease patients may experience, but usually anemia caused by kidney problem is called renal anemia. Although renal anemia is just a complication of kidney damage, it may lead to more serious health problem if no treatment is given. For this reason, having an overal understanding about renal naemia is also necessary for chronic kidney disease patients.
What is renal anemia?
Renal anemia refers to the medical condition in which the body has fewer red blood cells than normal. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body and enable them to use energy from food. Therefore,with anemia, red blood cells carry less oxygen to tissues and organs—particularly the heart and brain—and those tissues and organs may not function as well as they should.That is the reason why Chronic Kidney Disease need to treat their anemia as soon as possible after the diagnosis.
Why Chronic Kidney Disease patients run high risk for renal anemia?
Chronic Kidney Disease patients are more likely to suffer from renal anemia compared with healthy people. Kidney is an organ with bean shape. Apart from filtering blood, it also helps to secrete hormone needed by our body. One of the hormone secreted by kidney is EPO (erythropoietin). When kidneys are diseased or damaged, they do not make enough EPO. As a result, the bone marrow makes fewer red blood cells, causing anemia. When blood has fewer red blood cells, it deprives the body of the oxygen it needs.
Besides, with kidney problem, Chronic Kidney Disease patients need to make diet changes, so as to protect residual kidney function. Due to diet limitation, they are more likely to have low levels of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which also contributes to the appearance of renal anemia.
How to treat renal anemia effectively?
Since the appearance of renal anemia is mainly due to the less production of EPO, so repairing kidney damages to improve kidney function is very important. In this way, kidneys can secrete much more EPO to support the formation of red blood cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the herbal treatment recommended for Chronic Kidney Disease patients to improve kidney function. With this treatment, not only renal anemia can be cured, but also high creatinine level and high BUN level can be lowered down successfully.



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